PKK declared a ceasefire with Turkey Brief news

PKK declared a ceasefire with Turkey Brief news

The Kurdistan Workers’ Party PKK has declared a ceasefire with Turkey, says Anf.

PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan Earlier, he urged the organization to lower his weapons.

The closure of the PKK could mean the end of battles that have lasted more than 40 years in the country. For decades, PKK has fought in Turkey for the Kurdish independence. At least 40,000 people have been killed in clashes.

Turkey and several Western countries classify PKK as a terrorist organization. It has been fighting since 1984 to drive an independent state to Kurds, which make up a minority of about 20 % of the population of 85 million people in Turkey.

The 75-year-old Öcalan has been sitting on Imral Prison Island in Turkey since 1999. Since his capture, fighting between PKK and Turkey has been often attempted, but so far to no avail. Over 40,000 people have died in the battles over the past four decades.

Kurds are the largest people in the world without their own state. According to different estimates, they are at least 30-35 million. The Kurds live mainly in the Turkish region and in Iraq, Syria and Iran.

AFP, Reuters, STT
