Duplantis in a historically tough pole racing to a stunning ME result-627 exceeded the first | In a brief sport

Duplantis in a historically tough pole racing to a stunning

Armand Duplantis, the world’s best pole vaulter, has set a world record in France late Friday.

Swedish athletics Armand Duplantis has made a new pole vault ME result in the Clermont-Ferrand competition in France.

Duplantis was in a great lead in France. He went 565, 591, 602, 607 and finally the ME reading 627 all in the first attempt.

– It feels absolutely stunning. I knew I had potential and I could do it. I will enjoy this and have fun. I probably also celebrated a little tonight, said Duplantis.

“Mondo” faithfully made a cent for his previous record.

– He’s like a locomotive, just like a Swiss clock. He is so accurate, SVT’s athletics expert Alhaji gang Glove the superstar of his country.

Last year, Duplantis made three ME results; 624 in the April Diamond League race in China, 625 at the Paris Olympics at the beginning of August and 626 in Chorzów in Poland.

The level of the pole competition was historically tough, with as many as six men exceeded 591.

Emmanoil karalis was another Greek record of 602 and positions 3-6 occupied Kurtis Marschall, Thibaut Collet, Baptiste Thiery and 38 years old Renaud lavillenie exceeded all 591.

Earlier in the same Clermont competition, seven men had exceeded 588 in one race in 2018.

Duplantis will not participate in the European Championships in the Netherlands next week. Apeldoorn is the European Championship medals from 6 to 9. March. The Swedish will next compete in Uppsala on March 13.
