Aspi, Tomasi: “300 million for digital transformation and 500 for tech infrastructure of the network” invested 300 million

Aspi Tomasi 300 million for digital transformation and 500 for

(Finance) – “Since 2020 the technological investments of Autostrade group for Italy They concerned all operational areas, transversally: from the management of ever increasing traffic (in 2024 there was the historical record of flows on the national network), to the planning and management of the countless regeneration of the network, between modernizations and large works, as well as to the digital evolution of all group business “. This is what theCEO of ASPI Roberto Tomasi on the sidelines of the Forum in Masseria in progress in Saturnia.

“Our company in recent years – he continued Tomasi – has undergone a real digital transformation, both in the management of business processes and in the infrastructure. To understand this revolution, which today sees international benchmark motorways with more than 80% of the digitized processes, just remember some of the main platform developed: by Argo, which sees all the works replicated in Digital Twin, at TCC, the Travel Control Center for the detection of the state of the infrastructure (viaducts and galleries); up to Falco technology, for the world of inspections and the management of roads; Up to Navigard, platform that crosses the information from the network, both in aid to the traffic police operations, and for the real -time management of the analysis of the risks and any needs for intervention, to guarantee the safety of the infrastructure and users. Our innovation is also measurable by the number of patents deposited internationally, which today are over 100. Until now ASPI – concluded the CEO – has supported investments of over 300 million euros for the management of this digital transformation and another 500 million euros for the Tech infrastructure of the network: relevant but fundamental amounts to face the new challenges of mobility “.
