After the United States and the United Kingdom, Tiktok Shop arrives in France. Users can buy products directly from the application, without having to leave it. Enough to make the wallets flambé!

After the United States and the United Kingdom Tiktok Shop

After the United States and the United Kingdom, Tiktok Shop arrives in France. Users can buy products directly from the application, without having to leave it. Enough to make the wallets flambé!

Many social networks take advantage of their popularity and commitment of communities to push their users to buy products – it is not for nothing that we are talking about influencers -, directly on the platform. This is the case with Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat. It was therefore only a matter of time before Tiktok, the favorite application of young people at 1.7 billion active users in the world, also launched in e-commerce, dreaming of competing with giants like Amazon, Aliexpress and their consorts.

The social network has multiplied initiatives for some time to develop its own online purchase platform. He had thus tested the Trendy Beats function so that he could sell his own products. He had also deployed Tiktok Shop in the United Kingdom and the United States in 2023, allowing brands to sell their products directly in the application, without ever having to leave it. The Bytedance company continues its foray into the world of e-commerce since Tiktok Shop will make its imminent arrival in France, Italy and Germany.

Tiktok Shop: buy directly from the social network

From its beginnings, Bytedance gradually implemented a very attractive financial ecosystem for content creators. Thus, Tiktok offers a program called Creator Rewards, accessible under certain conditions, in order to reward the most viral videos. Influencers can also receive virtual “gifts”, offered by their subscribers – but bought with real money – during lives, which they can then transform into cash. And that is without counting the paid partnerships, where influencers highlight products for remuneration on the part of brands.

© Bytedance

All this “business” side will get worse with the arrival of Tiktok Shop, which has already proven itself in the countries where it is available. Since February 24, companies based in France, Germany and Italy, can register on the platform as sellers. Some brands have also received an email from Tiktok offering to join Shop “preview“, THE “project [étant] Reserved for a limited selection of strategic partners.“We will have to wait until April before French Tiktok users can shop directly on the platform.

Tiktok Shop: a way to encourage overconsumption

With this novelty, viral videos will simply turn into real interactive windows. The concept is simple: the creators will be able to highlight products in their content, and their subscribers will be able to buy these items in one click directly from the social network. In exchange, influencers will receive a commission on each sale. What encourage them to always promote more brands and to multiply partnerships, in order to garner more income…

Tiktok Shop has proven itself in the United States, where it has been available since September 2023. Last January, its sales increased 153 %faster than those of its Chinese competitors (+28 %) and Shein (+26 %). Tiktok Shop’s turnover even exceeded $ 100 million during Black Friday 2024!

But it is far from good news. Because the social network is regularly pointed out for the addiction it leads to young people, algorithms do not hesitate to “lock up” users in watching videos. This has serious psychological consequences. This time, he tackles their wallets directly. The company will be able to count on this addiction to allow creators to earn ever more money, and spectators to lose more …
