The French consulted on pensions? Why Bayrou thinks in referendum

The French consulted on pensions Why Bayrou thinks in referendum

After the first day of consultations between the social partners on the reform of pension of 2023, the cloth is already burning. François Bayrou does not spread the use of a referendum in the event of “blocking”.

A shooting window? This Thursday, February 27, François Bayrou assured that the referendum was “an outcome” in the face of “blocking” on pension reform, in the columns of Figaro. A statement that follows a first day of consultations between rather stormy social partners. Indeed, the start of this “conclave” was marked by the departure of Force Ouvrière, denouncing a “masquerade” after a request for financial balance on the part of the executive. So “yes, it is possible”: the referendum could be favored by the Prime Minister.

In total, 14 sessions are scheduled until May 28 to try to get out of the impasse on pensions. On the program: departure age, long careers, use of seniors, arduousness or gender equality. “I have always said that when questions are blocked, when there is no possible resolution, the referendum is an outcome (…) We must ask ourselves on a trajectory, perhaps at twenty years, to reach a rebalancing, with different, innovative methods”, specifies the mayor of Pau. As a reminder, the government’s initial demand was simply not to “degrade” the system deficit.

Retirement by failed points

On Wednesday evening, a mission letter sent by the Prime Minister to the social partners annoyedly annoyed the latter. Initially, Matignon had announced that he wanted to give the voice to the unions, the result of the races: the head of government announces that he wanted to reach financial balance in 2030. To achieve this, 6 billion euros in savings are necessary. In addition, according to him, the transition to a point system – acclaimed by some of which the latter was for a time – “will probably not be the solution chosen because it is very demanding”, he concedes.

In the large interview with the Le Figaro newspaper, François Bayrou was firm on one point: no drop in pensions. “It would be impossible for the reform (…) first because it would have a very important recessive effect on families. Then because the retirees consider, rightly, all the work efforts they have made for the nation,” he explains. On the other hand, “if no one agrees (…) we will remain in the previous system, defined in 2023”, he launched.

Prime Minister’s latest statements have obviously not convinced employers and unions. “NWe can hardly see how the target of a return to balance in 2030 could be reached if we call into question the 64 -year -old rule “, judges the president of Medef, Patrick Martin, in the world.” We cannot say that he was opened on anything “, regrets for his part, the deputy secretary general of the CFDT Yvan Ricordeau in the Tribune. Back to retirement at 62, potentially 10.4 billion euros: “We will have proposals to finance them,” says Denis Gravouil, union negotiator, in the same newspaper.
