Ready to prescribe Ramadan energetic! Expert name from sleep time to cooking method explained…

Ready to prescribe Ramadan energetic Expert name from sleep time

Dr. BAKCAN, Ramadan‘in fast Reminding that the holders are trying to feed on a limited period of time between the iftar and sahur, Bulgur Pilaf, whole wheat and bran should be preferred, which gives energy in a limited time between iftar and sahur and prevents the rapid rise of blood sugar and blood pressure. Milk and dairy products, eggs, vegetables and fruits should be consumed in our nutrition program. 3 liters of water should be consumed, ”he said.

Stressing that creating a balanced diet in the iftar and sahur is the key to remain energetic all day long. Bakcan said, “Bulgur rice, whole wheat and whole wheat pasta, which gives energy in a limited time between iftar and sahur and also prevents the rapid rise of blood sugar and blood pressure, should be preferred. Milk and dairy products, eggs, vegetables and fruits should be consumed in our nutrition program. 3 liters of water should be consumed ”.

“Foods with high fiber ratio should be preferred”

Iftar talks about what needs to be considered. Dr. Bakcan said, “Iftar should be started with soup in the iftar and after a 15 -minute break, it should be taken care of the other meals to be eaten at intervals, thoroughly chewed and slowly. Avoiding the meat products and fried foods in the iftar table, consuming fish and chicken, high fiber -ratio foods (dried legumes, wheat cereals, vegetables) preferred, instead of acceleration drinks, buttermilk, water, simple soda, composto, fruit and fruit juice should be preferred and the sweet need to be met.


“Iftar and sahur around 3 liters of water should be consumed”

Uzm draws attention to the changes that can be seen in our body that is accustomed to 3 or more feeding per day. Dr. Bakcan said, “First of all, blood sugar and blood pressure changes may occur. Due to the skipping of meals, fatigue fatigue may be distracted, nervousness headaches may occur. In order to minimize these situations, a total of 3 meals between iftar and sahur are recommended. It is also important that our food preferences will meet our daily calories, protein and fat needs. Excessive salty, painful and spicy foods will reduce thirst while fasting. In addition, the consumption of around 3 liters of water between iftar and sahur, ”he said.


“It should sleep between 7 and 8 hours at night”

Referring to the sleep pattern in Ramadan. Dr. Bakcan said, “It is recommended to comply with 7 to 8 hours at night. In addition, if possible to comply with up to 1 hour at noon is important in terms of preventing fatigue. ”


“The meal time should be extended, food should be cooked in the oven”

Emphasizing important points in iftar and sahur. Dr. Bakcan said, “Iftar and sahur food preferences, especially in the oven, boiled or steam cooked, the food is not overly salty, spicy and painful. The meal should be extended and consumed slowly and slowly. ”


‘Those with chronic illness should consult a physician’

Answering the question of which individuals should fast. Dr. Bakcan said, “Every healthy individual can fast. However, chronic diseases (diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, kidney failure, chronic lung diseases, chronic liver diseases) and multiple drugs and people who use drugs and cancer patients in terms of both treatment order and compliance is important to consult.

“Weight control can be achieved by consuming exercise and sufficient water”

Referring to the issue of how weight control should be provided. Dr. Bakcan said, “The right food preferences, exercise and sufficient water can be consumed and weight control can be achieved. Iftar and sahur and especially 1-2 hours after iftar, it is recommended to make medium-paced walking for 1 hour and avoid heavy exercises. ”

Consumption of bread, rice, pasta can lead to weight gain ‘

Stating which behavior errors will lead to weight gain during Ramadan, Uzm. Dr. Bakcan said, “Especially the consumption of food products such as bread rice, which raises blood sugar quickly, the high consumption of gas and sugary beverages, especially the preference of sherbet desserts and the lack of exercise disrupts weight control, causing fatigue, hunger and thirst. In addition, it is very important to cook foods and to make the nutrition intermittently and slowly. ”


