Tourism is increasing in Norrbotten – want northern lights and dog sledges

Tourism in Sweden is growing for the third year in a row – last year the number of guest nights rose by 0.7 percent. The biggest increase was in Norrbotten, where snow and cold attract more and more new guests.
“The international winter guests are the ones that are increasing,” says David Lind, Swedish Lapland Visitors Board.

Foreign visitors who want to experience dog sledding, northern lights and frozen lakes account for the latest figures for a noticeable part of the increase in Norrbotten.

Increases most throughout Sweden

In 2024, the number of guest nights in the county rose by 4.6 percent compared to the previous year. This makes Norrbotten the region that grew the most. Kronoberg, on the other hand, had the largest decrease during the same period.

With an increased interest in winter experiences, several players predict continued positive development, especially when travelers are now seeking different destinations in addition to the larger cities.

Believes in continued positive development

Norrbotten’s tourism organizations and entrepreneurs expect that even more international winter guests want to experience nature, cold and restful environments in the coming seasons.

– We see a new type of luxury to treat. You want to disconnect and get away from populations, experience nature, natural romance and being disconnected and heal in the soul, says David Lind.
