Sahur and iftar warning! Ramadan recipe from experts

Sahur and iftar warning Ramadan recipe from experts

With the approach of Ramadan sahur And iftar He started planning his preparations. It is of great importance to consume the right foods in sahur in order to provide the energy needed by the body during the fasting process that will last all day long. Likewise, a healthy and balanced diet should be created in the iftar.
Cardiology Specialist from Medipol Acıbadem Regional Hospital. Dr. Ertuğrul Okuyan, Gastroenterology Specialist. Dr. Yılmaz Bilgiç, Internal Medicine Specialist Assoc. Dr. Esra Demir and Medipol Mega University Hospital Dietitian Asia Naz Al, Ramadan in the month of healthy eating important warnings, fasting individuals should pay attention to individuals.

Prof. Dr. Ertuğrul Okuyan

Chronic patients should consult your physician

Cardiology Specialist from Medipol Acıbadem Regional Hospital, who stated that our patients who have chronic heart failure and who have to use medication and who are in general condition do not find it appropriate to fast. Dr. Ertuğrul Okuyan said, ız We do not see it appropriate to fast our patients with newly passed heart attacks, uncontrolled high blood pressure and uncontrolled diabetes. We have patients using serious blood watering for reasons such as rhythm disorder and heart valve disease. Because the process between sahur and iftar is variable, they may not be able to take the drugs at an effective dose. Either the drug comes too much or the amount is insufficient. He is exposed to the drug at certain times, he is exposed to less at certain hours. This may adversely affect the health of our patients. For this reason, it is useful to consult a physician in terms of whether fasting, fasting and fasting of chronic diseases and people who need to use regular medication. ”

Yilmaz Bilgiç
Prof. Dr. Yilmaz Bilgiç

Pay attention to stomach problems

Underlining that eating habits have changed during the month of Ramadan, Gastroenterology Specialist from Medipol Acıbadem Regional Hospital. Dr. Yilmaz Bilgic, “Eating habits change, the normal eating routine program, because we go out of our program, due to the gastrointestinal system due to some problems arise. These are changes that can be completely improved by small eating changes. Stomach acid increases when we fast for a very long time during fasting. In the month of Ramadan, we need to pay attention to our drinking and drinking. In the month of Ramadan, iftar must be eaten soup. It is important to defeat the soup and the salad together and to eat snacks between iftar and sahur. It should be done by reinforcing it with one or two small snacks up to sahur rather than a fast and excessive meal. ”

Assoc. Dr. Esra Demir

Avoid the dough job

Expressing that heavy foods should be avoided in sahur and iftar, Medipol Acıbadem Regional Hospital Assoc. Dr. Esra Demir said, “Sahur and iftar are free of heavy foods. I especially recommend that you avoid ready -made foods in sahur and iftar. We don’t have to jump. Sahur is a very important meal for us. How our breakfast is very important during the day, and Sahur is very, very important for us. Because the food we buy in sahur will give us energy during the day and will keep us fit. But I recommend you to stay away from oily foods, fries, doughs in sahur. Because they will increase our blood sugar irregularly during the day, and then cause irregular insulin secretion, and will cause the decrease in sugar after the meal we call reactive hypoglycemia. Since we are fasting, we may have a lot of hypoglycemini complaints because there will be no sugar intake again. So I recommend you to choose in the form of healthy carbohydrates rich in sahur protein ”.

Asian Naz
Dietitian Asia Naz Al

Balanced plate is a must!

Dietitian Asia Naz Al from Medipol Mega University Hospital, especially in our diet, especially due to Ramadan, due to protein deficiencies, muscle losses emerge. For this reason, we must actually include protein in our plates. Iftar can benefit from dried legumes such as meat, chicken, fish or green lentils. Again, we may surely have vegetables, especially boiled vegetables in our plates, or choose vegetables in the form of salads. We must add vegetables and protein to our plates. One of the most important things we should pay attention to in Ramadan is actually water consumption. Water consumption is very important for us because the body is actually dehydrated all day. Especially by spreading our water consumption between the iftar and sahur, that is, it is not right to be loaded into water consumption in a sahur at a time, nor is it right to be loaded in the iftar ”.
