According to some players, CD Projekt Red has changed the face of C

According to some players CD Projekt Red has changed the

When the notification of a new video The Witcher 4 popped, we obviously all believed that CD Projekt Red was ready to reveal the gameplay of his game to us. But it was obviously too early to talk about it and it is rather a making of on the creation of the trailer of the Game Awards which was proposed to us. The opportunity for the developers to return to the cinematographic ambitions of this video, thanks in particular to the production company Platige Image which was responsible for putting all this into work. Performance Capture, Camera test and lighting implementation, there was everything to detail the creation process. Besides, in this video, we see Ciri differently than during the announcement in December, and for many players, his face would have been changed. For some, it is obvious that CD Projekt Red has changed the facies of our new witchcraft, following the controversy that sparked the hours that followed the publication of the trailer at the Game Awards. For others, however, nothing has been changed and it is just a change of angle and lighting. For the time being, it is impossible to know, but at least, this making of is talked about, already with almost 100,000 views when we put these lines.

As for the exit, it was not communicated and it will probably be necessary to wait a few years before seeing Ciri take over against Geralt de Riv.

The Witcher 4

The Witcher 4

The Witcher 4
