How to know if you are blocked by a contact on Whatsapp?

How to know if you are blocked by a contact

A contact you had on Whatsapp no ​​longer responds to your messages and calls. Many reasons could explain this silence. However, it could also be that he has simply blocked you, in which case, it would probably be better to know what it is. How to get to the bottom of it?

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Of all apps online chat, WhatsApp is by far the most used. As the graph below shows, this app has 2 billion users. The number 2 in the sector, the Chinese Weixin / Wechat, has only 1.26 billion users, while Messenger, messaging linked to the Facebook application lists 988 million – source Statista. Part of the reason for this success is that WhatsApp had the very good idea, right from the start, in February 2009, to use the list of contacts that we indicated on his phone and that made it very easy to use. This feature allowed it to quickly surpass the then leader which was Skype.

A concern for confidentiality

You probably know it: if one of your whatsapp contacts bothers you, you can block it. To do this, simply consult the list of messages or calls you have made, locate the person you consider undesirable, display their file (by clicking on their name if it is a or the “I” if it’s a call) and choose the Block option at the bottom of this page. From then on, you will not receive any more messages from this person and they will not be able to call you either, their phone will ring in the void and you will not be informed.

Of course, the opposite can happen: one of your contacts could have blocked you. However, WhatsApp, although it was bought by Facebook in 2012, has always cultivated a requirement of confidentiality. And so, if a user decides to block you, there is no standard way for you to be informed.

Signs that could indicate a blockage

Of course, a few signs could alert you:

  • This person had a photography associated with its name and now you no longer see this thumbnail.
  • Usually, under the contact’s name, you’ll see either “Online” or “Seen at…” appear. In the first case, it means that the contact in question is currently consulting Whatsapp. In the second case, it tells you when he last logged into Whatsapp. If you no longer see these mentions, it could mean that he has blocked you.
  • The blue tick that appears when a contact has read one of your messages no longer appears. Another way to see it is as follows: if you press on a message and click on Info, you normally see the mentions Read and Distributed appear with next to each of these mentions, the corresponding time. If no time appears next to Mo and this situation repeats, it is possible that the contact in question has blocked you. Check however that, in the Settings of Whatsapp, for your Account in the section Privacy, the Read receipt option is active. If this option is activated, and your messages are apparently never read, the possibility of a blockage can be considered.

In these three cases, there is still the possibility that you have not been blocked. Indeed, the person may very well have deleted their photo from their account. It could also be that she settled her privacy settings so no one knows when she last logged in. Or, she has a lot of pending messages on this app and hasn’t taken the time to read yours yet.

The absolute test of blockage

But then, how do you know for sure if a given person has not blocked you? The solution is to go to Discussions and create a new temporary group that you will call for example Test or Temp, and add the contact in question there. If ever the contact has blocked you, you will see a message indicating that it is impossible to add the individual in question to this group. And so, you will have a clean heart!

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