Inauguration of the INPS Academy: a step towards higher formation and social security culture

INPS new report on pensions paid abroad published

(Finance) – Today, at Mazzoni PalacetheInauguration of the INPS Academy: Training and social security center. This new center, located in the heart of the Garbatella district in Rome, represents an important step in promoting social security culture and continuous training for Italian citizens. The Academy also proposes to be a Fulcro of urban and cultural regeneration, strengthening the link between institutions and communities.

The President of the INPS, Gabriele Favasaid: “The inauguration of the INPS Academy marks a decisive turning point for the future of our institute. It is not only a new training body, but of recognition of training as a strategic pillar for the future. It is an investment on the quality of our action and the ability to face the challenges that await us in promoting culture and social security education. We live in an era of quick and profound transformations, in which change is the rule, not the exception. Being prepared is no longer a choice, it is a necessity. A concrete example of generative welfare. Today we open a door on tomorrow, with the determination, courage and passion of those who want to make a difference! “

Valeria Vittimberga, general manager of the INPSadded: “Today we inaugurate a place dedicated to training and social security culture, An opportunity to reduce information asymmetries and promote conscious citizenship. Through educational programs and collaborations with schools and the third sector, we aim to train informed citizens, able to understand and use their social rights “.

Marina Calderone, Minister of Labor and Social Policieshighlighted the crucial role of the Academy in the context of social policies: “La training is a fundamental step to combat inequalities and promote emancipation. The Academy represents an opportunity for young people and the most vulnerable categories, so that they can know and assert their rights. We are committed to collaborating with INPS to ensure that these initiatives reach all citizens “.

Paolo Zangrillo, Minister for Public Administration, He underlined the importance of a prepared public leadership: “Training and education are essential to develop a ruling class capable of dealing with the complexities of our time. The INPS Academy is part of a context of reform and innovationwhere systemic thought and digital skills are fundamental for the future of the public administration “.
