(Finance) – The Clean Industrial Deal will mobilize over 100 billion euros in the short term for support clean industrial production in the EUof which a further guarantee of 1 billion euros within the current common balance sheet. This is what the European Commission presenting the plan. Brussels, as anticipated, provides for simplify the rules on state aid By June to accelerate the transition to clean energy, promote the decarbonization of industry and guarantee an adequate manufacturing capacity for green technologies in Europe.
“The goal of the Clean Industrial Deal is to simplify without changing the climatic objectives – said the President of the EU Commission Ursula von der Leyen Speaking at the Industry Summit in Antwerp -. The demand for clean products is slowed down and some investments have moved to other regions. We must reverse the trend. This is the central goal of the Clean Industrial Deal. We want to cut the bureaucratic bonds that retain you. In order for Europe to be not only a continent of industrial innovation, but also an industrial production continent “.
In his plan Brussels presents a series of proposals that will be detailed in the coming months and – pending the EU fund for the competitiveness of which the entity is not yet known and which will only arrive in the next common multi -year budget – proposes one Bank for industrial decarbonisation, With the aim of reaching altitude 100 billion euros of loans. The funds already available in the Innovation fund and the additional revenues deriving from the AS and from the revision of Investsuu, which provides to mobilize up to 50 billion in public and private private investments intended, among other things, to clean technologies, sustainable mobility and waste reduction.
The Clean Industrial Deal presents itself as Fundamental pillar of the second legislature of Ursula von der Leyen To allow Europe to “change step” and fill the competitiveness gap with the United States and China and the United States. The overall strategy also includes a large simplification plan, which starts with the first of a series DOmnibus packages designed to reduce bureaucracy. The first wave of simplifications will concern four legislative acts not yet implemented by all Member States, whose risk of uneven application between the various European capital has raised concerns. Among these, the taxonomy of sustainable investments, which will become voluntary for companies below a certain threshold of employees. The Directive on the reporting of corporate sustainability (CSRD) and the Directive on Diligence for corporate responsibility will also be simplified, as well as the mechanism for adjusting the carbon to borders (CBAM), from whose constraints the small importers will be exempt.
“With the Clean Industrial Deal we aim to reduce industrial emissions up to 30%. It is a clear signal that we are serious – said the climate commissioner, Wopke Hoekstraat the press conference by presenting the Clean Industrial Deal -. We are mobilizing any available resource and leveraging on multiple financing channels to stimulate an unprecedented increase in investments in the networks and in the short, medium and long term cleanness “, assured the commissioner, confirming the intention of launching a bank for industrial decarbonization,” based in part on the exchange system of issuance “which according to the Brussels estimates could collect up to 100 billion euros in the euros in the euros in the euro next ten years. ” HEEKSTRA – This could mobilize up to 400 billion euros “.
(Photo: © IAroslav Danylchenko /123rf)