Two women aged 30 and 27 disappeared at an interval day in Caen. An investigation for disturbing disappearance has been opened.
Two disturbing disappearances, one day intervals. Justine 30 years old and Marie 27, have disappeared in Caen (Calvados) respectively since Sunday, February 23 at 10 p.m. and Monday, February 24, at the same time. A call to witness has been launched on Facebook and more particularly on a page called “OutroverquoiAcaen”, on the initiative of the relatives of the two women.
The Caen police station confirms well with France 3 Normandy that these two disappearances are disturbing. De facto, an investigation was opened by the police for worrying disappearance, while the investigators ofInterdepartmental judicial police service were able to establish that the two young women know each other, according to information For the time being, no track has yet leaked, the two women have potentially disappeared for the same reason.
The two women could be together
Justine, 30, gave her news for the last time on Sunday evening at 10 p.m. It measures 1m66, has dark and long brown hair and brown eyes. Damn, she wore black pants when she was seen for the last time. According to Justine’s research opinion published on social networks, her family plans that she can completely be with Marie, the other woman who has disappeared recently.
Precisely, Marine is 27 years old, she measures 1m68 is almost the same size as the first cited. She has green eyes, long hair and light chestnut. It is possible to identify it thanks to a tattoo on the left wrist. On Monday evening, she was not at her handball training in the Venoix district, an unusual fact. “”However, she had planned to participate in the session “Ensures
Even if it is not an official research opinion, which is requested by the prosecution, the police station encourages research launched on social networks by relatives of the two disappeared in Calvados. On the other hand, “the investigation will determine if the disappearances are linked”, tempers the police station of Caen. In addition, anyone with information on this case, even a detail that could make the research advance is invited to call the following number, on the initiative of the Caen police station: 02 31 29 22 22.