“This whole ordeal was terrifying for me personally”

This whole ordeal was terrifying for me personally

In the zombie series The Walking Dead, not only the characters were in mortal danger in the course of the eleven seasons: Daryl Dixon actor Norman Reedus experienced a situation during the filming of the final episode of the series, which put him in fear of death.

The Walking Dead star Norman Reedus was in mortal danger beforehand

As Entertainment Weekly reported September 2022, the actor has already had to put a lot away in the course of his life. In 2005 he almost lost his life in Berlin as a result of a traffic accident when he got under a tractor -trailer.

As a souvenir from this time, he kept a left one in addition to numerous operations Titanium eye socket and four screws in his nose. Redus commented on this as follows:

My whole head was like a hamburger. It was just gnarled. I thought: ‘I will never be an actor again. It’s over. ‘

However, the dangers were far from overcome.

Dangerous accident during The Walking Dead final

There had already been risky incidents during filming earlier – for example, Reedus fell off the motorcycle.

During the filming for the final episodes of The Walking Dead on March 11, 2022, there was a serious accident on the set. Little is known about the exact processes. What is certain, however, is that Reedus wore a concussion of it – and a deep -seated horror.

This whole ordeal was frightening for me personally. I thought I had to die.

What followed was a longer recovery phase in which the actor could do nothing more than to sit in the dark and listen to calming apps.

In addition, Reedus had a guilty conscience because the series’s schedules are shifted greatly due to its absence. Fortunately, he recovered and was able to complete his work on the set.
