This is the new trend in fashion: people are ready to pay to spend evenings without touching their smartphone, just to be able to chat. This is the concept of digital detox, very popular on … social networks!
The world is going crazy! Today, almost everyone has become addicted to their smartphone and social networks. It’s very simple, we need the compulsive need to be “connected” and the absolute fear of missing something, even if we don’t know what. Result: our phone is always placed next to us. We feel a frantic need to look at it, to touch it every 30 seconds. This is called nomophobia, in other words the excessive fear of ending up without your phone, and it affects more than half of the French.
Faced with this observation, an absolutely revolutionary concept was born: the Digital Detox. Thus, the offline club organizes “prohibited smartphone” evenings in several major cities, such as in London, Milan, Barcelona or Paris. To put it simply, the participants pay for ten euros so that they are taken their phone for two hours, so that they can speak to real people without laptop.
At the start of the event, each guest is invited to deposit its precious smartphone in a secure locker – the company specifies that it is at our own risk, and that it is in no way responsible for potential flights . Once relieved of their devices, participants are invited to practice a lonely activity, such as reading, knitting, painting-the material is to be brought back yourself. Secondly, the organizers initiate an exchange between the different people present, in order to encourage them to meet new people.
The concept of “paying to speak to someone without phone” may seem surprising, but places are tearing up like hotcakes, so much so that events regularly display. At least he has the merit of wondering and questioning us.
Are we so dependent on our devices that we must now pay to get away from it? Or is it simply a new fashion, intended for those who seek to distinguish themselves by adopting behaviors against the tide?
Perhaps real madness lies less in paying to disconnect than in our inability to do so without being encouraged. From a practical point of view, disconnection is at hand, just turn off your phone. But, apparently, this now requires a structured framework and, of course, an entry ticket. The irony is that participants experienced the existence of this club via social networks, often Instagram. Yes, this world is going crazy!