After several years of strong growth, the American stock exchanges have taken an increasing place in the Swedes’ portfolios. Many savers have large parts of their capital in global funds, which today consists of over two -thirds of US shares.
As you know, it has gone very well – but what do you do when American growth stops and other markets grow faster?
So far this year, European stock exchanges, including the Stockholm Stock Exchange, have gone significantly better than the American, something even Today’s industry reported on.
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For News24 says Avanza’s private economist Felicia Schön that the slower American development may be due to several different factors.
“For the United States, it is partly about the fact that they come from two strong years that have printed the values on the companies properly, and partly that the cyclical outlook is still uncertain about how inflation and thus policy rates change,” she writes in an email and continues:
“In addition, the United States has a new president and the way forward is still unclear. I interpret the cautious American development now as it is waiting for the road forward.”
The reason for the strong progress of Europe and the Stockholm Stock Exchange is low values, which according to Felicia Schön have made the companies attractive to investors to allocate capital.
“For Sweden, we are still in a recession, but the future looks relatively bright, which can contribute to optimism and demand,” she notes.
Photo: Avanza
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You should do that with the portfolio now: “determined reminder”
How it will be in the future is, as usual, very difficult to predict, especially in the prevailing world situation.
But no matter how the situation develops, Felicia Schön is clear with how Swedish small savers, especially those with a lot of money in American companies, should be doing.
“If global or US funds have taken an excessive proportion of one’s fund savings in recent years due to strong development, it can be adjusted by rebalancing and selling some to increase in other funds. An optimal fund portfolio can, for example have exposure globally (USA), European, Swedish and against emerging markets. “
“I think you should keep calm and remind yourself that the stock exchange is for long -term savings and you should therefore stick to your strategy on how to choose to distribute their funds. Most people do not manage to take the market but what to think about is to have a fund or equity portfolio that has a good spread across several markets, ”writes Felicia Schön in an email to News24 and concludes:
“So yes, sit quietly in the boat but review the risk spread so you have more markets than the US in the portfolio – but with that said, it is something you should always do and not something that is specific to right now. A friendly but determined reminder, as it were.”
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