Shopping at ICA is something we Swedes do several times a week. Some times you quickly jump into an ICA close to grasping a package of milk while other times the car takes to an ICA Maxi to shop for the family.
But something has happened in the last period.
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More and more ICA stores have come out with new rules about school students and that they can only go in one by one when they shop. This is when there is a wave of mockery, small thefts and stumps in the stores.
At many ICA stores, school students ITE can go into a group anymore. Image source: Henrik Montgomery / TT
However, the new rules have returned.
– We saw pretty directly a marked difference so it all worked great, told Anna WinbladEmployed at ICA Tegelplan in Östersund.
But the reactions from parents – they varied.
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-When we posted a post on our own ICA-Facebook page, some people thought we pointed out young people and took in too hard while others felt that what we did was just right and thought it was good for our employees to just our employees Don’t have to work in a threatening environment, she said.
The new rules quickly yielded returns. Image source: Ica brick plan
Regarding precisely mockery has News24 Talked to a number of employees at ICA who witnessed slightly different forms of mockery over the years.
– A woman had a thing to turn the peaks of our muffins in the bakery. It all happened so frequently that we finally took hold, said an ICA manager in central Stockholm.
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A customer in an ICA store used to twist with Sit the tops at the store’s pieces of muffins. Image source: Private
He also added that the mugs in cash find new ways to succeed with their deeds.
– A supplier told me that he was in a store where they had fixed a customer who cooked goods in the store. The person brought a bun, then pushed the whole head into a shelf and chewed in himself as if no one would suspect it, says the store manager.
– Since it was not possible to prove what he was doing there on the shelf, nothing happened to him. Sickness is taken outside the store and this did not appear on the camera. So yes, you don’t forget, he concluded.
Customers rush to ICA Maxi
And yes, if there is something people out in the cottages seems to like – then it is really pastries. It was not so strange that many customers “went bananas” when Ica Maxi presented a new bomb in the bakery.
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On social media, many of us have seen that there are princess seems that, among other things, several food influencers have tried. At a well -known restaurant in Stockholm, there has also been a small mini princess cake served in a small form.
Today there are many versions on the classic princess cake. Image source: Mickan Palmqvist/TT
But now Ica Maxi has come up with the so -called “Princess Bullen”, which Ica Maxi Kungälv showed on its tictoc.
And the reactions – they were not expected.
The princess bun is not yet available at all ICA Maxi but at selected stores.
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It jokes the store staff that you do inside the ICA