“I earn 2000 euros per month: here is how much the state can enter directly on my salary”

I earn 2000 euros per month here is how much

In the event of a debt, a salary entry can be carried out. Here is how much an employee receiving € 2000 per month would be forced to pay.

It is a scourge that diminishes but which is still present in France. Hundreds of thousands of French people have debts. Some are minor, others are very high, even colossal. According to the Banque de France, nearly 600,000 people are in over -indebtedness, with a median amount of € 16,898.

To try to resolve these situations, but also to avoid getting there, various devices exist. The state can in particular use directly on your salary to collect the sums due. Within some limits, of course, but the amount is not negligible when you earn 2,000 euros per month.


Debt may be the consequences of various things: a phone subscription or other that is not paid, the monthly payments of a mortgage that is not paid, taxes that are not paid to the tax administration or even , for example, alimony that is not given as planned.

To obtain the payment of their services, administrations, companies or individuals can send various reminders to persons and request amicable agreements. But in the event of non-payment, it is possible to seize a judge. And the latter may decide to take a part of the indebted person’s salary directly to reimburse the claim, if a conciliation is not found.

The amount must comply with certain calculation rules, different depending on the level of remuneration. For a person who earns € 2,000 net before taxes, without dependent children, the State can seize, each month, € 478.61, or 24% of the person’s income. If she has a dependent child, the amount decreases to € 390.22, then to € 322.39 in a situation where two children are dependent.

The sum is directly punctuated by the employer, who then pours it to the court registry. The latter is then responsible for transmitting it to the creditor in order to advertise, over the months, the debt and put the meters to zero. At least, on paper, because with 62.5% of over -indebted people perceived less than the minimum wage each month, the situation is much more complex.
