French presidential election: the indifference of Jean-Luc Mélenchon

French presidential election the indifference of Jean Luc Melenchon

Emmanuel Macron was therefore comfortably re-elected president this Sunday. But nearly a third of voters abstained or voted blank, a sign of disinterest in this remake of the 2017 election. An indifference claimed by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who had assumed spanning this second round for better focus on the legislative ones. Report at the Insoumis campaign headquarters last night, Sunday April 24.

With our special correspondent, Aurelien Devernoix

A very ironic cry of joy when entering the press room. Then Jean-Luc Mélenchon takes a few moments to listen to the end of Marine Le Pen’s defeat speech, good news according to him, just like Emmanuel Macron’s score: “ Mr. Macron is the most poorly elected of the presidents of the Fifth Republic. On June 12 and 19, the legislative elections take place, you can beat Emmanuel Macron and choose another path. »

Gather Left

Maintain the hope of overturning the table as if to erase a second round of presidential elections with a bitter taste. But for that, Jean-Luc Mélenchon must gather on the left. And time is running out, recognizes Paul Vannier, in charge of negotiations on behalf of the Union Populaire: ” We still have a few days to finish, we don’t want to rush. This is not an electoral agreement, we are not proposing to form a coalition of the left, but to consolidate, to anchor the strategy of the Popular Union, and we still have a few points to clarify between us. »

► To read also: French presidential election: after his re-election, Emmanuel Macron faces a legislative “third round”

Among these points negotiated with ecologists and communists, while waiting, perhaps, the socialists, from the bottom: pensions, Europe. And of the form: the distribution of the constituencies for the legislative elections. A tightrope walker to avoid a new exit from the track.
