The amount of the pension changes again in March for certain retirees: this is why

The amount of the pension changes again in March for

A small line will move on the pensions of certain retirees.

Beware of your next retirement pensions, you will have to check them! In a few days, the National Assistance Insurance Fund, AGIRC-Arrco, MSA as well as all the various pension funds will make the payment of pensions. But beware, the amount affected could surprise more than one: for some, it will appear as good news; For others, like a bad.

If the devil hides in the details, you should always check his pension. Especially in March, the month when it is strongly advised to read your statement well, available online on the retractor insurance website. A line may have changed discreetly, with consequences on your wallet.


It is simply the general social contribution, more commonly known as CSG. Four rates can apply (0%, 3.8%, 6.6%, 8.3%). It depends on your income, more specifically on the “reference tax income” indicated on your last tax notice, compared to that of 2023. This rate is adjusted each year, in the event of evolution of your financial resources, and S ‘Applique from March.

Concretely, as Sapiendo confirms, consulting firm in terms of pensions, to LINTERNAUTE.comwhen you are retired, there are not many levers to develop your financial resources. These are generally only impacted by various investments (rental for example) or by the recovery of a job, even partial, by the retiree, lists Sapiendo.

Thus, generally, only those who increase their income by these levers or decrease them by putting an end to these resources are affected by a change of CSG and, therefore, a variation in the sum deducted by taxes on their raw retreat. It is “marginal” notes Sapiendo, saying that the vast majority of retirees are not affected by this tax adjustment.

In addition, the firm notes that even in the event of an increase in contribution to the CSG, going from a rate of 6.60% to 8.30%, the retiree will always remain a winning because the State never takes 100% of his additional gain. But then, why are some pensions may drop?

This results from an adjustment made by the pension funds. The new rate should have applied in January. However, for operational reasons, it was only applied in March, but with the retroactivity of January and February. Thus, what should have been taken during the first two months of the year will be punctuated at once, in March, lowering the amount of the pension. Conversely, in the event of application of a lower rate, a refund will be paid to the beneficiary.
