Season 3 of REACHER started on Thursday, February 20, 2025. There were three episodes to return to Amazon Prime *, the rest of the eight episodes then appear every week. Episode 4 awaits us on February 27th.
From now on, everyone can find out whether the new REACHER relay is worthwhile if Alan Ritchson infiltrates a criminal syndicate for the US drug authority. Anyone who also wants to know how the main character actually came to their name (and the Amazon series thus to their title) should funny history of origin Be sure to hear from the template author himself.
Long before the Amazon success: How did Reaker actually get his name?
As in the first two seasons, the figure of the ex-military police officer Jack Reacher is also the focus in season 3. The British author Lee Child created the hard -boiled fighter in his 1997 novel Größenwahn * (in the English original: The Killing Floor). In the meantime, the series comes to 30 books, but at that time everything was still open.
Why serial creator Nick Santora later chose Reacher for the Prime series is obvious due to the main character. Just like main actor Alan Ritchson, the name transports strength and assertiveness. But why does Lee Child once named his character? In 2003, the English writer had an unexpectedly funny answer to the January Magazine: Apparently inspired his wife the author in the supermarket To the name of the title figure.
I had already started the book at the time, but not yet a name for my main character that I liked. We went shopping […] And every time I am in the supermarket, an old lady comes to me who asks: ‘You’re a nice big guy, could you get this can down for me?’
In the original, Childs uses that English verb “Reach”, which means “(he) enough”, “come up” or “grasp”. Lee’s wife Jane apparently jumped up on exactly this word, because the author, who was still at the very beginning of his career, continues:
Then Jane said to me: ‘Hey, if that doesn’t get anything with the writer, you can still be a gripper [im Original: reacher] In the supermarket, [der anderen Leuten Sachen herunterreicht]. And then I thought: REACHER? That’s a good name.
Podcast: Why series like Reacher and The Night Agent Trenden
At Netflix, The Night Agent celebrates success, Amazon Prime enthusiastically with REACHER, while the Tracker series is on Disney+. But why are the so-called “DAD series” just in the course?
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We take a closer look at the phenomenon of agents, ex-military and other capable lone fighters in the podcast and explore the charm that these action thrillers bring with us these days.
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