Flu that does not pass causes serious problems! ‘Antibiotic use’ warning from the expert name

Flu that does not pass causes serious problems Antibiotic use

Increased upper respiratory infections with winter months, especially children threaten. In children flu While their cases increase in winter, experts warn their families to be careful. Exp. Dr. Eser Akkuş, especially in school -age children, the flu spread rapidly and in some cases can lead to serious complications, stating that he said.

“Do not use antibiotics without a doctor’s suggestion”

“Children may not always show the necessary care to their health. At this point, families have significant responsibilities fall,” said Uzm. Dr. Akkuş emphasized that parents should closely follow the health status of their children. Akkuş, “Especially children who are not in good general condition should be taken to a doctor and medications such as antibiotics should not be used without a doctor’s advice. Flu symptoms should be carefully monitored; high and non -falling fever, weakness, abdominal pain, vomiting and cough should be used without losing time” warning should be used without losing time. found.

“Be careful to feed on the disease period”

In addition to the use of drugs in the treatment of flu, nutrition is also of great importance Uzm. Dr. Akkuş, “Families, the influenza should be very careful about the nutrition. Healthy and balanced nutrition is not supported treatment, the most common after flu infection and the lower respiratory tract infections, such as complications such as complications,” he said.

Stating that the loss of fluid due to both high fever and anorexia period increased during the flu. Dr. Eser Akkuş, “Therefore, children should consume plenty of fluids. There is no need to prepare a special menu, but natural foods that do not contain unadulterated and protective substances should be preferred,” he said.

“Vitamin D deficiency can weaken immunity”

Vitamin D

Stating that vitamin D deficiency is common since it is not sufficiently utilized in winter months. Akkuş said that this could make children vulnerable against diseases by weakening the immunity of children. Exp. Dr. Eser Akkuş, “Vitamin D deficiency not only for children, but also for adults. Families, doctors should look at the blood levels and in case of deficiency in the case of age -appropriate dose of vitamin D support. However, such supplements should be given with the recommendation of the doctor,” he warned.

“Sick child should not be sent to school”

Emphasizing that children who are diagnosed with flu should not be sent to school especially in the early days of high fever. Dr. Akkuş, “A child diagnosed with flu may be high fever. Especially during the fiery period should not be sent to the school. For about 5 – 7 days, children should be eaten healthy at home and the medication given by the doctor should be applied. It should not be forgotten that it can be seen in one of the family members. Ventilation should be washed regularly, the use of common goods, especially towels, should be restricted in this way. “

“If the fire exceeds 5 days, there is a risk of complications”

child sick doctor family

In some cases, the flu may cause serious health problems in children. Akkus, especially the duration of fire is a critical symptom, he said. “It may be normal for a child to be diagnosed with flu last 5 days and not to fall. However, if the fever continues for more than 5 days, the general condition of the child is not good, respiratory shortage, cough, shortness of breath or a serious middle ear pain may be developed,” he said. Dr. Akkuş, in this case must be applied to the physician again, he said.

In such cases, detailed examinations should be done. Dr. Eser Akkuş, “According to the general condition of the child outpatient or inpatient treatment can be applied. If necessary lung film is taken, blood tests are performed and additional drug treatment is started. Because lung infections can be rapid and heavy in children. Therefore, early diagnosis and regular follow -up is vital,” he said. .

“Children with weak immune system are at risk”

Emphasizing that children’s immune system is an important protection shield against the flu. Dr. Akkuş, “Comprehensive examinations should be done for children with frequent flu and the necessary measures to strengthen the immune system. In crowded environments such as school, the risk of contamination of the disease is high, families should follow their children more carefully in these environments,” he said.

