Ex Ilva, Urso: shortly assigned. Fim-Cisl: priority are industrial plan and employment impact

Ex Ilva Urso shortly assigned Fim Cisl priority are industrial plan

(Finance) – The Ministry of Labor has convened i unions To continue the comparison on the Cigs for the former Ilva. The meeting – according to the union sources – was set for February 28 at 12 noon. Meanwhile, the Minister of Business and Made in Italy, Adolfo Ursosaid that “in the next few hours, probably already in the next week, we will know who will be assigned what can become the largest green steel steel system in Europe”.

Words that, however, did not reassure the unions. “The declarations of Minister Urso on the definition of the possible buyer of the ex-ilva do not solve our main concerns. For us the priority remains the floor industrial and his impact employment And socialrather than the curiosity to know the name of the entrepreneur to whom the site will be assigned, “commented in a note the secretary general Fim Cisl, Ferdinand Ulian.

“We strongly reiterate the need for one convocation urgent Palazzo Chigi on the part of the government that we are already expecting now. It is essential to open an all -out comparison to obtain precise guarantees on the industrial and employment future of all workers, both those currently employed in steel mills and those in Ilva as – he added -. Attention must also be paid toinduced and to the indispensable investments for the relaunch of the production, the functioning of the three altiforni, the enhancement of the cold areas and the transition to a green production, through the process of decarbonisation and the introduction of electric ovens “.

Uliano also reiterated the need for it to State keep “one presence strong And strategic To ensure the relaunch of the production site, environmental sustainability, the improvement of workers’ health and safety conditions, as well as an adequate financial flow to support the investments necessary for the functioning of the plants “.
