the final score, the legislative battle launched

the final score the legislative battle launched

THE PEN. Marine Le Pen’s score in the second round of the presidential election on April 24, 2022 ends at 41.46% according to the Ministry of the Interior. The RN candidate sees Macron’s victory as a sign of “great distrust” and is banking on the legislative elections to establish herself as the first opposition force.

02:14 – Marine Le Pen spoke with Emmanuel Macron on the phone

As tradition dictates, Marine Le Pen telephoned Emmanuel Macron shortly before the officialization of the results of the presidential election to recognize his defeat. The RN candidate and the Head of State exchanged a few minutes before 8 p.m. when the deputy arrived at the Armenonville pavilion, in the Bois de Boulogne.

01:05 – At Marine Le Pen’s HQ, misunderstanding and hope

They believed in it hard as iron, but the disappointment was great. At Marine Le Pen’s HQ, the candidate’s supporters had little taste of the defeat of their champion in the presidential election. “The French have just re-elected a guy (sic) who insulted them for five years, who reduced their purchasing power. This guy (Emmanuel Macron, sic) is a shame”, lambasted an activist with CNews, scathing the choice of voters: “they have Stockholm syndrome, the more they are crushed, the happier they are”. Another lamented that “we went so far as to compare Marine Le Pen to the Nazis, is that normal? It’s still encouraging for the future, our score is better than in 2017.”

00:52 – Less than 15% for Marine Le Pen in Paris

In Paris, Marine Le Pen did not win the support of many voters. The RN candidate only won 14.90% of the votes cast in the capital, or just over 140,000 votes among the 950,000 cast.

00:44 – Marine Le Pen’s score hailed by Matteo Salvini

Matteo Salvini, leader of the Northern League, an extreme right-wing Italian party, congratulated Marine Le Pen for the score obtained in the presidential election. “Alone against all, coherent and smiling, you won the votes of 13 million French people, a percentage never seen in the past. Let’s move forward together, for a Europe based on work, family, security, rights and freedom “, he wrote on Twitter.

00:02 – Marine Le Pen beaten in Perpignan

Perpignan, a city led by Louis Alliot (RN), Marine Le Pen came in behind Emmanuel Macron in the second round of the presidential election (52.02% against 47.98%).

04/24/22 – 11:28 p.m. – Marine Le Pen, first in the second round in Béziers

In Béziers, the city of her support Robert Ménard, Marine Le Pen came first in the second round with 54.01% of the vote against 45.99% for her rival Emmanuel Macron.

04/24/22 – 11:17 p.m. – Marine Le Pen at 44% according to the partial results

On 86% of the votes counted, the gap between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron narrows a little. If the results are still partial, the Ministry of the Interior announces a score of between 43 and 44% for Marine Le Pen against 55 to 56%% for Emmanuel Macron, against a duel given at 42% against 58% at 8 p.m.

04/24/22 – 11:10 p.m. – The RN calls for the introduction of proportional representation in the legislative elections

“Never has democracy declined so much under a presidential five-year term,” laments Jean-Lin Lacapelle on RTL. He continues with a measure promised by Marine Le Pen: “We want Emmanuel Macron to introduce proportional representation in the legislative elections”.

04/24/22 – 11:00 p.m. – Marine Le Pen faces a “glass ceiling” according to Robert Ménard

Robert Ménard, mayor of Béziers and support of Marine Le Pen notes that “there is a disappointing glass ceiling” which stands in the way of the election of the RN candidate. “We left the day after the first round with 49 or 51% and we arrive with 10 points less. This line is still scary because I think it is wrong on a lot of points, on Europe in particular” , explains the city councilor who returns to his disagreements with Marine Le Pen. Despite his differences, he adds that he “had no trouble voting RN because I can no longer bear to hear that [Marine Le Pen] is racist whereas in the overseas territories she was trusted, she is not a threat to democracy! For my country, I want us to be a little more peaceful, a little calmer, to stop with the vocabulary of civil war and to denigrate a person who had 41%”.

04/24/22 – 10:56 p.m. – Julien Sanchez points out the risks in the absence of opposition to Macron

Julien Sanchez, the RN mayor of Beaucaire estimates on BFMTV that “if Emmanuel Macron does not meet opposition he will continue to take his measures late in the evening with 40 deputies all committed to his cause”, an accusation to which Elisabeth Borne replied in pointing to the absence of RN deputies in the Assembly.

04/24/22 – 10:52 p.m. – Marine Le Pen, the only incarnation of the opposition according to Julien Odoul

“We must do everything possible to prevent Emmanuel Macron from having all the powers and from continuing an authoritarian, brutal policy towards the French”, launched Julien Odoul on the set of Europe 1 and CNews indicating that today Marine Le Pen “is the only one who embodies the opposition”. In front of the supporters of Jean-Luc Mélenchon he judges that the Insoumis is “disqualified”, “out of the game” to lead the opposition forces after having “called to vote for Emmanuel Macron”. As a reminder, after the first round Jean-Luc Mélenchon urged his voters to give “no vote” to Marine Le Pen but did not explicitly call for a vote for the outgoing president.

04/24/22 – 10:40 p.m. – Marine Le Pen “has her whole future ahead of her”

Marine Le Pen was very discreet after the announcement of the results of the presidential election, but her supporters are stepping up to defend her and ensure her presence on the political scene in view of the next legislative elections. “Those who think that Marine Le Pen is going to retire to her home with her cats are mistaken. Today she is the leader of the opposition, which places her in a position of responsibility. She has her whole future ahead of her”, assured Sébastien Chenu, regional councilor for Hauts-de-France.

04/24/22 – 10:31 p.m. – Disappointment at the Armenonville pavilion after the defeat of Marine Le Pen

TF1 journalists return to Marine Le Pen’s election evening at the Armenonville pavilion, after the announcement of the results and the departure of the candidate, the room was quickly emptied. The activists present expressed their disappointment at seeing their candidate lose the election.

04/24/22 – 10:25 p.m. – Marine Le Pen acclaimed at Hénin-Beaumont

What score did Marine Le Pen register in Hénin-Beaumont, her stronghold in Pas-de-Calais? The National Rally candidate won 67.15% of the vote against 32.85% for Emmanuel Macron.

04/24/22 – 10:10 p.m. – Marine Le Pen wants to obtain “the most important parliamentary group”

“Marine Le Pen wants the largest parliamentary group possible in the Assembly. She will be our battle leader and we will win many constituencies,” said MEP Jean-Lin Lacapelle on Franceinfo. New sign that the legislative elections are the new objective of the candidate of the National Rally.


The results of the presidential election are traditionally published in three stages. First, solid estimates, built by polling institutes on the basis of the first counts, are published at 8 p.m. They are then updated several times in the evening. Then come the official results from the Ministry of the Interior, which are only partial on the evening of the ballot. Once all the results of all the polling stations have been returned, a final result is communicated overnight or even on Monday morning. It is then validated during the week by the Constitutional Council. :

Marine Le Pen has promised to “put France back in order by ensuring the protection of the French”. Several axes were put forward in his program during the campaign such as a “progressive system” allowing retirement from the age of 60, a triptych “protect, plan, transmit”, the superiority of constitutional law over European law to “restore the EU in its place”. She also intends to stop immigration, fight Islamism, in particular with the banning of the veil in public space, a hotly debated subject during the interval between the two rounds and to raise purchasing power, with the aim of “making their money” and “their country” to the French.
