Jnim jihadists claim to have captured ‘Wagner soldiers’

Jnim jihadists claim to have captured Wagner soldiers

This time, it is the Jnim who says it: the Russians are fighting well alongside the Malian army. The Malian authorities still deny the presence of the Wagner group in the country, and only recognize that of simple Russian trainers. In a press release published Sunday evening on its Al-Zallaqa propaganda platform, the Support Group for Islam and Muslims, the Jnim, linked to AQIM, claims in any case to have captured several fighters from the Wagner group in the center of the country.

This is the first time that the Jnim mentions the Russian auxiliaries of the Malian army in an official press release, which does not specify their number but affirms that “ soldiers of Wagner’s Russian forces would have been captured, at the beginning of April, near Ségou.

According to this press release, these russian soldiers would have taken part in the anti-terrorist operation led by the Malian army in Moura, at the end of March.

The Jnim therefore confirms that a certain number of its fighters were indeed present in this village on the day of the operation, and also recognizes that a ” confrontation has taken place. In accordance with press releases from the Malian army, which claims to have killed 203 jihadists and to have arrested 51 during this operation.

On the other hand, the Jnim also ensures that the Malian soldiers were accompanied by Russian soldiers, and that ” hundreds civilians were also killed. This would corroborate the numerous testimonies collected by human rights organizations and by certain media.

After the versions delivered by the army on the one hand, and by survivors on the other hand, it is therefore a third voice which is heard on the tragedy of Moura. A third voice obviously concerned with carrying out its jihadist propaganda.

Malian military justice has opened an investigation. The United Nations Mission in Mali too, but access to the village of Moura is still forbidden to it by Bamako, which continues to deny the presence of the Wagner group in the country and only recognizes that of simple Russian trainers, who would never participate. to fights.
