Nearly 60 % of Ukrainians trust their president. The US President previously claimed that support figures would be only four percent.
Ukrainska Pravda report According to the US President Donald Trump allegations of the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyin Low popularity is not true.
In the past, Trump claimed that only four percent of the Ukrainians would support Zelensky. According to Trump, this is why new elections should soon be held in Ukraine.
Ukraintska Pravda went through the latest support measurements and, according to them, almost 60 % of the Ukrainians support Zelensky.
For example, a survey published in early February at the Finnish Institute of Kiis research was 57 % of confidence in the president. 37 % of respondents did not trust Zelensky and 6 % were uncertain about their attitude.
According to Zelensky himself, four percent support is about the Russian fake news Trump has believed.
Zelensky’s popularity has fallen dramatically since the early months of the war, when some opinion polls report 90 % support, says British magazine The Guardian.
By comparison, Trump’s support figures are as follows: 48.3 % accept him and 47.0 % does not accept. This is revealed by the US 538-mindeding measurement site from recent research.
First peace, then the election
In a survey conducted in early February, more than 63 percent of Ukrainians felt that elections should not be held before the war ended.
Only less than a percent would like to have the presidential election right away. About one third would change not only the president but also the parliament.
Still, a large proportion of Ukrainians want to change. For example, in a study published last fall, two -thirds wanted a reigning elite of the change. At that time, only a third was in favor of organizing elections at the time of the survey.
According to Ukrainska Pravda, even the research institutes that are critical of Zelensky give him four times the figures for Trump’s claim to support.
Zelenskyi is not the most popular presidential candidate
If the presidential elections were to be held soon, 16 % of Ukrainians would vote for Zelensky. Former commander of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and current British Ambassador Valeri zalužnyi. More than 27 percent of the respondents would vote for him, writes Ukraintska Pravda.
Zalužnyi is very popular in Ukraine. Zelenskyi separated him a year ago.
An expert interviewed by The Guardian estimates that Zalužnyi can really challenge Zelensky when the election time comes.
The Ukrainian President’s office was expected to end last spring. Ukraine does not organize elections during the war. The Ukrainian Constitution does not oblige the presidential election during the war.