(Finance) – The communication campaign was presented todayRight to the future ‘promoted byItalian alliance for sustainable development (Asvis) and created by the Progresso Advertising Foundation. The initiative aims to make known the reform approved in 2022, which introduced among the fundamental principles of the Constitution the protection of the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems, also in the interest of future generations, A concept closely linked to sustainable development.
The campaign was launched during a public event at the Auditorium Parco della Musica Ennio Morricone in Rome, in the presence of authoritative guests. Among these, the Minister for institutional reforms and regulatory simplification, Maria Elisabetta Casellati, and the emeritus president of the Constitutional Court, Giuliano Amato, who dialogue with students of schools and universities on the generative value of the Constitution.
During the event it was also presented The study ‘The climate in Constitution’made by HERE YOU ARE And Asviswhich analyzes the implications of the constitutional reform in the definition of public policies. At the same time, candidates for the next Sustainable Development Festival, scheduled in May, were opened.
“The inclusion of sustainable development in the Constitution seemed a utopia when we proposed it in 2016, on the occasion of the official presentation of the Asvis at the Chamber of Deputies – says the Scientific director of the Asvis, Enrico Giovannini. – With the historic reform of articles 9 and 41, the protection of the environment also in the interest of future generations and the incompatibility between economic activity and damage to the environment and health, concepts underlying sustainable development, are sanctioned in paper constitutional. The reform requires a profound change in private behaviors and public policies: the ‘right to the future’ campaign and the study ‘the climate in constitution’ indicate What to do to go from theory to practice. After the reform, voted unanimously by all political forces, each new law should be accompanied by its intergenerational impact assessment, as required by the legal design to the attention of Parliament, which must be approved as soon as possible. Sustainability is not a fashion, nor can it be a pious desire for some, but it must be everyone’s commitment, to ensure a future of well -being for current and future generation “.
“From its birth advertising Progress has placed the protection of the environment at the center of its social awareness campaigns – declares the President of the Progresso Advertising Foundation, Andrea Farinet. – the modification of articles 9 and 41 of the Italian Constitution represents a turning pointfrom the valiant and cultural point of view, on which it is necessary to spread greater awareness. The ‘right to the future’ campaign aims to develop social sensitivity on these issues and encourage consistent behaviors to put this evolution into practice. We are working, even with Asvis, to share a common manifesto with the world of communication so that the commitment to accelerate the transition to sustainable development is strengthened, at every level, allowing Italy to face with foresight the climatic crises e environmental and the increase in inequalities, looking to the future “.
The communication campaign ‘Right to the Future’, created by the Progresso Advertising Foundation in collaboration with Asvis, intends raise awareness of the general public on the importance of the constitutional reform of 2022paying attention not only to the protection of the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems, but above all on the concept of ‘justice between generations’, a fundamental element of sustainable development as defined in the 630 agenda of the UN, signed by Italy in the 2015 Rai, Mediaset, Sky, Warner Bros. Discovery Italy and State TV of San Marino.
The study ‘The climate in Constitution’, created by Foundation, here is Think Tank and Asvis, deepens the implications of the constitutional reform for the definition of public policies, through a path of deepening of the relations between the new principles, the other fundamental rights sanctioned by the paper constitutional, and the urgency of the interventions for decarbonisation. The study illustrates different proposals to improve the legal framework and the quality of public policies necessary to face the climatic crisis.
On the occasion of the meeting, ASIS has launched the new site and open the applications To participate in the billboard of the ninth edition of the Festival of Sustainable Development, which throughout the month of May 2025 will enhance initiatives carried out by civil society, businesses, institutions, schools, universities and the world of research to promote the achievement of the 17 objectives of the sustainable development of the ‘Agenda 2030 of the UN.
(Photo: Stockwerkfotodesign | 123rf)