In the study conducted by Chinese scientist Shi Zhengli and his team COVİD-19 A new coronavirus was found that can be transmitted to humans in a way that caused the disease.
In a study published in Cell magazine, Shi and other researchers, a new associated with the HKU5 Coronavirus virus They said they found it.
Name of the danger: HKU5-Cov-2
Shi and his team in the research ‘HKU5-COV-2’, the new virus called directly contamination or intermediate hosts, said the risk of spreading to people.
The research was conducted by Wuhan Virology Institute (WIV), Guangzhou Laboratory and Guangzhou Academy of Sciences.
While the origin of Covid-19 is a matter of curiosity, Shi and a few other scientists argue that the virus naturally emerged, but there is no evidence of the natural origin of Covid-19 pandema.
In the study, HKU5-COV-2 was more dangerous than other viruses.