Like clothing modes, first names follow the air of time. To find out if yours (or those of your children) is always in the blow, consult the list that INSEE established with the civil status data.
The choice of a first name is often a puzzle for future parents. True reflections of eras, they evolve according to cultural modes and influences. They tell a story, that of societal developments, parental aspirations and personalities that mark their time. At the beginning of the 20th century, first names like Marie, Jeanne, Marguerite, Jean, Pierre or Louis dominated the registers of the civil status. Then, over the decades, other first names took over, testifying to changes in tastes and influences of the moment.
To follow these developments, the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) provides An online tool Playful and practical: a great ranking of the most popular first names in France, decade after decade since 1900, according to the civil status registers. An excellent way to know the tastes of an era, and to see if your first name is always appreciated or, on the contrary, endangered. It is also a source of inspiration to find the first name of an unborn child.
If you immerse yourself in the INSEE archives, the trends are striking. In the 1960s, Nathalie, Sylvie, Isabelle, Philippe, Éric, Pascal and Thierry, caracked the rankings. In the 1980s, the podium was occupied by Aurélie, Émilie, Élodie, Julien, Nicolas and Sébastien, while we see emerging from Kevin and other Cindy inspired by American culture and television series, before being replaced by Others, more in tune with an era.
Sometimes a first name can also stay at the top of the rankings for several years before gradually giving way. Conversely, ancient first names resurface, carried by a retro effect which seduces more and more. In all cases, the first names reflect an era, with its values, its models and its modes.
Today (the data stops in 2023), the names Louise, Amber, Alba and Jade dominate the classification for girls. However, we can note that the first names ending in “A” are very successful (Anna, Eva, Lina, Emma, Julia…). On the boys’ side, Gabriel has been unbeatable for several years now, followed closely by Léo, Raphaël, Louis and Maël. However, we note that the first names of biblical origin also gain ground (Isaac, Adam, Noah, Eden, etc.).
To find out if your first name is always fashionable, you can consult the Insee interactive tool in order to view its evolution over several decades. You will be able to discover if your first name is booming or if it belongs to a bygone era.