Madri 2025 working decontribution, the complaint of young accountants: “measure not yet operational”

Madri 2025 working decontribution the complaint of young accountants measure

(Finance) – “The decontribution for Madri workers, provided for by Budget law 2025is still stopped at the pole, with serious repercussions for companies and self -employed workers. More than a month after the publication of paragraph 219 of art. 1, which provided for the issue of implementing provisions within 30 days, there is no news on the matter: all this creates an unacceptable situation of uncertainty. ” Francesco Cataldi, President of the National Union Young Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts (UNGDCEC), E Massimiliano dell’Tnenational councilor and head of the work and welfare area.

“The lack of information on the application methods, on the extent of the exemption and on the procedures for the recognition of the same, makes it impossible for companies to plan their activities, and for workers mothers to benefit from a right recognized. An inertia – continue Cataldi and Dell’Atus – which screeches with the diligence with which the bodies of the Ministry of Labor intervene to sanction companies that do not respect the terms of payment, creating economic and image damage for companies and an incomprehensible disparity “.

The exponents of the HungdCec they also highlight how “theabsence of clear and timely communication by the Ministry and the lack of interlocution with professionals in the sector, damn workers motherswhich are seen deprived of a fundamental support for the conciliation between family and professional life “.

Also the interpella n. 2 of 5/2/2025 of the Ministry of Labor, which admits to the decontribution of the Budget Law 2024 The workers mothers with intermittent contract, “while recognizing a right, arrives one year of delay and further complicates the situation, with possible complex operational reflections for the restoration of the law itself with retroactive effect”.

“The Ungdcec therefore asks the government and the Ministry of Labor of provide immediately a provide information and instructions operating necessary for the Agravation of decontributionin compliance with the times provided for by the law and in the interest of the workers of mothers and companies “.
