The Last of Us Online was sacrificed to allow Intergalactic to exist!

The Last of Us Online was sacrificed to allow Intergalactic

The Last of Us Online is one of the games that were ‘Killé’ in 2023 by Sony Interactive Entertainment for reasons that have remained obscure. For the eyes of the general public, this is a change of strategy, the fault of service games which often have trouble hitting. But this theory has just been undermined by Shuhei Yoshida, freshly retired from its functions at Sony after 31 years of good and loyal service and who have fun swinging anecdotes on industry and its past work. At the microphone of the Podcast ‘Sacred Symbols+’, the former president of the PlayStation Worldwide studios admitted that the project The Last of Us Online was canceled simply because Naughty Dog had lacked clairvoyance, in particular with regard to the burden of work to be done in terms of follow -up.

Sony Interactive Entertainment

It is the Bungie studio (Halo, Destiny) which has indeed been aware in the studio the involvement of such a game, the energy to be devoted even after the release and it would have requested part of the studio to work on it continuously , then jeopardizing the production of intergalactic the heretic prophet. The decision therefore has to put an end to the project, by mutual agreement between Naughty Dog and Sony. Shuhei Yoshida took advantage of this anecdote to explain, moreover, that all service games are not orders for the studios of the studios, but that it happens that it is the idea of ​​the studios themselves, galvanized by a market in Constant evolution, which sometimes wish to embark on this niche. This was the case with Naughty Dog who had not measured the magnitude of the task obviously … and according to Shuhei Yoshida, it is all the more unfortunate that The Last of Us Online was a great game according to him …

The Last of Us Part II
