the ministers expected in the new government

the ministers expected in the new government

REDESIGN. After his re-election, Emmanuel Macron should fundamentally change his government. Who will be the new Prime Minister? Which elected officials could get a portfolio? We take stock.

It is a new chapter that will open from this Sunday, April 24, 2022, after the result of the presidential election. And a cabinet reshuffle. Emmanuel Macron is reappointed as President of the Republic, and it is the first time in history that an outgoing president has been confirmed at the Elysée by not leaving a period of cohabitation. A recomposition of the political apparatus is nevertheless announced, starting with the government.

Now that the President of the Republic is re-elected, the current Prime Minister Jean Castex will submit the resignation of his government team in the coming days. For the upcoming reshuffle, the Head of State intends to give “a start” to “give new impetus”. In the mind of the tenant of the Elysée, a profound reorganization of his government team could prove necessary, in particular to seduce and show that a certain mistrust has been heard.

Emmanuel Macron did not give the slightest name on who could become his new Prime Minister, his Minister of Justice, nor on the personality he would appoint to the Interior, Labor, Education National, Foreign Affairs or Health. On the other hand, the president-candidate gave the main axes of his reflection: he wishes to surround himself with a team “where there will be figures who allow us to continue to give a dynamic and where I also want to continue to bring out a new generation.”

At their head, a Prime Minister with new prerogatives: the future tenant of Matignon will be “directly responsible for ecological planning”. It therefore remains to bring out a profile that corresponds to it, which should propose to the President of the Republic a possibly tighter government, according to Europe 1, around fifteen ministers, without any deputy minister or secretary of state, and which could, politically, be more marked on the left than during the first five-year term.

A reshuffle… before a cohabitation?

This is the term that has been circulating the most since the announcement of the poster for the second round of the 2022 presidential election: cohabitation. Understand: the majority in the National Assembly is not the political family of the President of the Republic. In this case, the Head of State would then be forced to appoint a Prime Minister from the majority party to the Bourbon Palace. If this scenario could only happen on 19th June next, after the second round of the legislative elections, it seems to be desired by a majority of French people. According to a poll carried out by BVA for RTL and Orange, and published on Friday April 22, 2022, 66% of those questioned want cohabitation to take place if Emmanuel Macron is elected President of the Republic. The campaign for the legislative elections promises to be even more intense than the presidential one, political uncertainty being more than ever in France.

So, who could take on the role of the new Prime Minister? Several hypotheses are on the table. Given the political recomposition taking place in France, and after appointing two heads of government from the right, Emmanuel Macron could make a 180° turn and, this time, bet on a political figure with more aspirations on the left, with an ecological bent. This is how the name ofElisabeth Bornecurrent Minister of Labour, has returned in recent days. Julien Denormandie, in charge of Agriculture and one of the linchpins of the 2017 victory and craftsman of the 2022 campaign, could also be promoted to Matignon according to indiscretions. Unless a personality still unknown to the general public is put on the front of the stage, as was the case with Edouard Philippe and Jean Castex.

Who could be the new ministers?

Presumably, a major cleaning should be done in the ministries. If the reflections have certainly already been engaged for some time, for the time being, no trend really emerges on the face that the government would have. If only the heads will change. No more than four or five ministers should, at most, be kept by Emmanuel Macron, according to an indiscretion of an interlocutor of the head of state reported by Le Canard enchaîné. For the names concerned, only bets are open, the tongues having not yet loosened the subject of the negotiations.

Given the ecological shift made by Emmanuel Macron between the two rounds, the Head of State could rely on Pascal Canfin, ex-member of EELV and former managing director of WWF France. Currently MEP LREM, he is Chairman of the Committee for the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety of the European Parliament. The author, with Barbara Pompili, Minister for Ecological Transition, of a column in Le Monde promising “a climate programming law capable of reconciling ‘end of the world’ and ‘end of the month'” before the end of 2022 could be the President’s Green Bail. Among the new names that Emmanuel Macron could pull out of his hat, that of Karl Olive. The mayor of Poissy, displayed and affirmed support of the head of state, could be in the small papers. In Sports? Not impossible, the local elected official having been president of football clubs, referee, director of sports on I-Télé or even representative of the French Football Federation with the Professional Football League.

Emmanuel Macron could also dig into Edouard Philippe’s political movement, Horizons, with a view to the coalition for the legislative elections, as well as among the political supporters registered on the left and on the right, such as those of Manuel Valls, Eric Woerth or Christian Estrosi.

Which ministers could leave the government?

On the departure side, the big sweep envisaged by the applicant for his own succession should force many leading figures to pack their boxes, starting with Jean Castex, therefore, but also Jean-Michel Blanquer, unstoppable from the start. of the mandate of Emmanuel Macron, Minister of National Education who remained in this position the longest under the Fifth Republic. The fates that await other prominent ministers such as Roselyne Bachelot, Frédérique Vidal or Eric Dupond-Moretti seem sealed, except for an unexpected turnaround. As for Gérald Darmanin, Olivier Véran, Amélie de Montchalin or Olivier Dussopt, nothing seems to have been recorded yet.

When will the redesign take place?

In the event of a new victory in the presidential election, the current President of the Republic should appoint his new Prime Minister the day after or two days after the results, before formalizing the government a priori in the middle of the week. If Emmanuel Macron wins the ballot, there would be no waiting week between the announcement of the verdict and the transfer of power. Thus, in 1988, François Mitterrand had been re-elected on Sunday May 8, appointing Michel Rocard Prime Minister on the 10th, the formalization of the government having taken place on May 12 and 13. In 2002, Jacques Chirac came first on May 5, announcing the next day Jean-Pierre Raffarin at Matignon, who had formalized the names of his ministers on the 8th.

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The Castex government

  • Prime Minister, Head of Government: Jean Castex
  • The ministers
  • Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs: Jean-Yves Le Drian
  • Minister for Ecological Transition: Barbara Pompili
  • Minister of Education, Youth and Sports: Jean-Michel Blanquer
  • Minister of Economy, Finance and Recovery: Bruno Le Maire
  • Minister of Armed Forces and Defence: Florence Parly
  • Minister of the Interior: Gérald Darmanin
  • Minister of Labour, Employment and Integration: Elisabeth Borne
  • Overseas Minister: Sébastien Lecornu
  • Minister of Justice, Keeper of the Seals: Eric Dupond-Moretti
  • Minister of Cohesion and Territories: Jacqueline Gourault
  • Minister of Culture: Roselyne Bachelot
  • Minister of Health and Solidarity: Olivier Véran
  • Minister of the Sea: Annick Girardin
  • Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation: Frédérique Vidal
  • Minister of Agriculture and Food: Julien Denormandie
  • Minister of Civil Service and Public Transformation: Amélie de Montchalin
  • The delegate ministers
  • Minister Delegate for Relations with Parliament: Marc Fesneau
  • Minister Delegate for Gender Equality, Rights and Equal Opportunities: Elisabeth Moreno
  • Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade and Attractiveness: Frank Riester
  • Minister Delegate for Housing: Emmanuelle Wargon
  • Minister Delegate for Transport: Jean-Baptiste Djebbari
  • Minister Delegate for Public Accounts: Olivier Dussopt
  • Minister Delegate for Industry: Agnès Panier Runacher
  • Minister Delegate for SMEs: Alain Griset
  • Minister Delegate for Sports: Roxana Maracineanu
  • Minister Delegate for Memory and Veterans Affairs: Geneviève Darrieussecq
  • Minister Delegate for Citizenship: Marlène Schiappa
  • Minister Delegate for Integration: Brigitte Klinkert
  • Minister Delegate in charge of the City: Nadia Hai
  • Minister Delegate for Autonomy: Brigitte Bourguignon
  • Secretaries of State
  • Secretary of State, government spokesperson: Gabriel Attal
  • Sophie Cluzelin charge of Persons with Disabilities, to the Prime Minister
  • With the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Jean-Baptiste Lemoynein charge of Tourism, French nationals abroad and the Francophonie
  • With the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Clement Beaunein charge of European Affairs
  • With the Minister of Ecological Transition, Berangere Abbain charge of Biodiversity;
  • With the Minister of National Education, Youth and Sports, Ms. Nathalie Elimasin charge of Priority Education, Ms. Sarah El Hairyin charge of Youth and Engagement
  • With the Minister of Economy and Finance, Cedric Oin charge of Digital Transition and Electronic Communications
  • With the Minister of Economy and Finance, Olivia Gregoirein charge of Social, Solidarity and Responsible Economy
  • With the Minister of Labor and Employment, Lhave Pietraszewskiin charge of Pensions and Occupational Health
  • With the Minister of Territorial Cohesion, Joel Giraudin charge of Rurality
  • With the Minister of Solidarity and Health, Adrien Taquetin charge of Children and Families.
