Are the French “satisfied” with their lives? This study which reveals the springs of well-being-L’Express

Are the French satisfied with their lives This study which

A note of 7.2 out of 10. It was, in 2023, the figure that the French aged 16 and over attributed to the life they conduct, according to a study published this Wednesday, February 19 by the National Institute of Statistics (INSEE). The “satisfaction” of the French in their lives is almost the same as ten years ago: the note was 7.1 in 2014. This note from the French is very close to the European average, namely 7.3. At European level, the lowest note concerns Bulgaria (5.9). It was in Finland (7.8), Belgium, Austria and Slovenia (7.7) that she is the highest.

In France, more than 17,000 households, or around 38,000 people, responded to the survey in 2023, according to INSEE. The households interviewed reside in “ordinary housing”, specifies the institute in the statistical survey on the resources and living conditions of households (SRCV). People residing in community are therefore not concerned (establishments for the elderly, workers’ households, etc.), in mobile or homeless housing.

Health, a determining parameter

Half of the French questioned attribute a note of 7 or 8 out of 10 to the life they lead. Almost one in five (19 %) is particularly satisfied (note 9 or 10) when 6 % are dissatisfied (4 or less). This well-being measure has been stable for ten years in France, with the exception of the year 2021, where it dropped to 6.8 following the COVID-19 epidemic and health restrictions.

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People in poor health feel less well-being (5.6), compared to 8.0 for people judging themselves “in very good health”. The satisfaction in life and the standard of living goes hand in hand, according to this study: the 20 % of people with the lowest standard of living declare an average satisfaction of 6.6 out of 10, against 7.8 for the 20 % people with the highest standard of living. Among the 20 % of the wealthiest citizens, three -quarters feel “often or most of the time” happy “, against half of the people of the fifth the most modest.

Very satisfied young people

Young people feel the most satisfied with their lives, with a note of 7.6 for the 16-29 year olds. The youngest also make strangers on average less confidence than other age groups. In contrast, the oldest have a feeling of being more frequent alone and a feeling of being happy less present. People as a couple, especially with children, feel more well-being (7.5 with children, 7.4 without children) than single-parent families (6.7) and single people (6.8).

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In addition, the inhabitants of the overseas departments (excluding Mayotte) are less satisfied with their lives than those of France. The French living in mainland France indeed attribute an average satisfaction note of 7.7 on personal relations, against 7.3 in the French overseas departments.
