After the invasion of Russia, it was announced that Ukraine’s membership process to the European Union was accelerated. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy delivered the completed questionnaire to Matti Maasikas, Head of the EU Delegation in Ukraine, in order for his country to gain candidate status for the European Union (EU) membership. However, an unexpected reaction came to Ukraine from within the EU.
Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg spoke at the 14th European Media Summit held in Lech, Austria. Stating that there are other ways to support Ukraine, Schallenberg said, “We must support Ukraine, we must develop our relations, but this does not require us to make them EU members or even to candidate status. We can take Ukraine into the European economic area. This is how we can improve our relations. EU” “There are Balkan countries that have the status of candidate for Turkey and have come a long way. They should be our priority,” he said.
Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Oleh Nikolenko said: “A strategically narrow-minded statement. We think that the statement is incompatible with the interests of a united Europe.” (UAV)