Prof. Dr. Tevfik Özlü’den ‘stubborn cough’ warning! Do not do this: It is serious danger!

Prof Dr Tevfik Ozluden stubborn cough warning Do not do

Chest Diseases Specialist Dr. Tevfik Özlü, “long -term and repetitive stubborn cough can often be an allergic condition. Using antibiotics in vain and infection -related flu drugs will not help,” he said. Essential, respiratory tract infection in patients who have not passed cough may be a sign of allergic reactions, he noted.

Prof. Dr. Özlü, in recent days after the increasing respiratory tract infections, many patients have applied to the hospital with the complaint of recurrent cough, “in recent days, there is a huge increase in the frequency of respiratory tract infections. Accordingly, many patients come to me with cough complaints. But is my cough continues. Is this an allergic cough? ‘ They say we are investigating the answer when we meet the patient.

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Infection-related coughs usually heal within 3-5 days. When your fever falls with the symptoms, when your sore throat passes, sneezing, disappointment and weakness should be cough when you improve, “he said.

‘Appropriate treatment should be done’


Prof. Dr. Essential, long -term and recurrent cough may indicate an allergic condition, noting that, “If the cough begins in the form of an attack, especially after healing, there is an excessive sensitivity and infection in your airways. It can often be an allergic condition.

Coughs that occur in the form of prolonged or secondary attacks may occur such as allergic sensitivity, atopy (allergic susceptibility), respiratory allergy, allergic flu, asthma or allergic bronchitis. It is necessary to investigate and treat appropriate treatments.


Using antibiotics in vain and getting influenza remedies related to infection will not help. It is important to make this distinction, “he said.

Unnecessary antibiotic use can cause serious side effects, allergic reactions to liver and kidney damage, diarrhea, obesity and intestinal problems.

