A marriage refused due to OQTF, mayor Robert Ménard before the courts

A marriage refused due to OQTF mayor Robert Menard before

Robert Ménard, the far right mayor of Béziers, in the south-east of France, is summoned by the prosecutor this Tuesday, February 18 for having refused a little less than two years ago to marry a Frenchwoman and an Algerian under The blow of an OQTF, an obligation to leave the territory. This refusal is illegal. Robert Ménard therefore faces five years in prison, a fine of 75,000 euros and an ineligibility sentence.

It is by watching television that Eva and her fiancé learn the news. On the set of the private channel CNews, the mayor of Béziers Robert Ménard announces live that he will not marry them. We are the day before the ceremony. To the question of whether he will marry Eva and Mustapha, the answer is final: ” But of course not! This “type” is in an irregular situation. If we want to put it outside, the air and borders police, I give them an appointment on Friday at the town hall. They will find it since it comes at 11 a.m. ! »»

Despite the illegality of his gesture, Robert Ménard persists. “” Even if you put yourself out of the way? Asks the presenter. “” But of course! answers the elected official. Too bad. When the law is at this point against logic, common sense, evidence … “

For the engaged, the news is of course terrible. “” We never imagine that the day which is supposed to be the best day of his life will happen like that », To be sorry Eva. “” We are amazed, we don’t sleep from the night. »»

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“” He cannot spoil the love of two people for political opinions »»

The fiancée then decides to go see the mayor, to chat with him: ” I tell myself that he can delegate a civil status officer, but that he cannot spoil the D -Day, the love of two people, for political opinions. Unfortunately, when we show up at wedding time, this is where the drama started, in quotes. »»

On the forecourt of the town hall, a cloud of cameras awaits the two lovers, the elected official warned the press. The couple still manages to reach the entrance to the building. “” And there, the alarm bell sounds, tells Eva, shocked. The doors of the town hall are closed to us at the nose at the request of Mr. Ménard to express his refusal. Finally, we don’t treat people like that ! »»

Two weeks later, Mustapha was returned to Algeria. Marriage could never prevent its expulsion, but, for Eva, the two events are necessarily linked, in view of the media coverage and the mobilization of the mayor: “In the week preceding marriage, I seized everyone, the air and borders police, the sub-prefect, the prefect, the minister, the prosecutor by saying to them:”But what are you waiting for to apply the OQTF you have delivered?» “, indicates the far right mayor.

Robert Ménard before justice

The couple’s lawyer seized justice to denounce an illegal expulsion. She maintains that her client saw neither a lawyer nor a judge before being placed on a plane. The administrative court will decide on this aspect on Friday, February 21. In the meantime, this Tuesday, February 18, it is Robert Ménard who finds himself facing a prosecutor for refusing to marry Eva.

“” I await something that lives up to what we suffered, what we felt. We do not reach the lives of people like that, is indignant Eva. We do not question their love, we do not denigrate them like that, on TV and everywhere. It’s not what he did ! »»

For 20 months, Eva has been increasing back and forth in Algeria to see Mustapha, who did not wish to speak. His partner says it just as distraught.

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