Forecasts for March, April and May are becoming very clear, very good news announced for spring

Forecasts for March April and May are becoming very clear

Winter will soon give way to the spring. This season is eagerly awaited, especially for its sweetness. So, will the good weather be there this year? The first forecasts fell.

On Thursday, March 20, spring will start after a winter which was not simple, especially with a rain surplus +30% compared to the seasonal averages and a slight sunshine deficit with -4%. The greyness was regularly in order. When reserved for us in the coming months and the arrival of spring? The weather channel made his first estimates in his seasonal forecasts.

The signals are rather good for March, which would mark a clear break with winter. Temperatures should be higher than seasonal normal, +1 degree on average, thanks to recurring high pressure. The southwest of France should particularly taste sweetness, while in contrast, the east could know late frost. Precipitation should also be in deficit, with the maintenance of a relatively calm time. Enough to take advantage of the end of winter and early spring, except in the mountains where snow may be missing for the end of the ski season.

Forecasts for March April and May are becoming very clear
Seasonal forecasts © The weather channel

For the month of April, if temperatures will be close to seasonal norms, a few possible fresh days are to be expected. We will then have to remain vigilant in the face of the risk of cold nights and late frosts. The time should however be little disturbed.

If reliability is more limited for May, it is at this point that the weather could deteriorate with a more depressional situation. A change is planned for the fifth month of the year with disturbances on France, especially in the south. A sometimes fresh and humid feeling is possible. Which is very unfortunate in view of the many holidays and bridges presented by this period.

Thus, overall, spring promises to be “characterized by precipitation lower than the averages and especially by a sweetness which should predominate in March-April before a probable degradation of the climatic conditions in May”, plans The weather channel. Mété-France Confirms that the most likely scenario tends to warmer temperatures than seasonal normal and drier time for the coming months. An observation that gives a smile.
