“I can’t get excited about it”

I cant get excited about it

The Lord of the Rings is certainly one of the most important and greatest fantasy epidies ever. What Peter Jackson achieved with the film adaptation, many people thought it was impossible for a long time. No wonder that such a director is instructing a lot after this brilliant performance. Including the rescue of an existing franchise, for which he was even requested in front of the rings.

Peter Jackson should Alien: turn the rebirth

In the FAQs of his old website, the director and producer answered many questions about his person, his career and his personal taste. Apparently he was asked whether he would like to make an alien film more often, because this was also on the list.

I was asked to direct the rebirth at Alien, but I rejected. I just can’t get excited about making an alien film.

Anyone who is familiar with it should notice that Alien – the rebirth was released in 1997, 4 years before the Lord of the Rings: The companions. Peter Jackson was even asked before his mega success with Lord of the Rings for the Sci-Fi series.

Take a look at the trailer to Alien again:

Alien – Trailer (English) HD

Peter Jackson would have had freedoms for alien series

A great advantage of the alien films is the versatility of the series. While Alien is still considered a sci-fi horror, Aliens was-the return was a real action film. Alien³, on the other hand, can be seen almost as a prison drama in the sci-fi robe. Peter Jackson would have had many freedoms with the franchise and could have steered it in any direction.

Nevertheless, he didn’t want to venture into the fabric for which he couldn’t get excited. Instead, he remained true to himself and gave us one of the best film trilogies of all time as a gift.
