(Finance) – Finance operators must “invest in the information paradigm, which is, and even more will be, the dominant one in the 21st century. We manage precious information relating to our customers and their activities. We must make these data usable to offer services. Best, more effective, better accessible at all times and from any place, easier to use, richer in content and less expensive. For us financial operators, they must be an absolute priority, while they are also offering them non -banking operators, who manage financial services more and more widely: Bigtech and Fintech. ” Gian Maria Gros-PietroPresident of Intesa Sanpaolointervening at the 31st congress of financial market operators, organized in Turin by Assiom Forex.
“We European financial operators must invest in information paradigm, in people and technologies, developing operational skills at the service of society and institutions – he added – we must do it because we are the best equipped in terms of market positions and capacity to investment. but we must be competitive, in terms of times, performance and costs. We must be put into equal conditions with operators mainly from the Bigtech system“.
According to Gros-Pietro, “there will be no equality until financial operators continue to be obliged to grant Bigtech free access to the data of consenting customers, without any reciprocity. Data of immense value, which European banks collect, verify, update, keep , and protect, by supporting remarkable costs, they are made free of free of competitors who are mainly non -European. an advantage that weakens the financial sectorwhich at the moment is, in Europe, that most able to develop the information paradigm as the supporting system of the functioning of the markets “.
The president of Intesa Sanpaolo also stressed that it should not be forgotten that “we have A treasure, to be defended and enhanced: private savingswhich in the European Union amounts to 33,000 billion euros. A privileged source, essential to help finance the 800 billion per year of estimated investment necessary for Europe to the public ones to face the transitions to be carried out, and to organize a common defense. Also from this point of view, the financial industry is an essential tool, to be safeguarded and developed “.