‘Turkey’ apology in the UN! AK Party Özboyacı intervened, ‘Türkiye’ he was corrected

Turkey apology in the UN AK Party Ozboyaci intervened Turkiye

The Union of Parliamentary Nations (UN) Parliamentary Session was held at the UN Headquarters in New York, USA. In the session organized with the theme “accelerating political actions for sustainable development purposes”, TürkiyeAK Party Konya Deputy Selman Ozboyacı was among the names representing.

Remarkable dialogue

There was a remarkable dialogue between Özboyacı and the moderator of the session.

When you say ‘Turkey’ …

Moderator, Özboyacı’ya promised, “Delegate from Turkey, please …” he said. However, during this announcement, although the United Nations was officially registered as “Türkiye”, the moderator preferred the word “Turkey”.

“Turkey is not Türkiye”

According to the news in Sözcü; Özboyacı, who intervened in the situation, moderator, “Thank you. First, ‘Turkey’ is no longer ‘Turkey’, now ‘Türkiye’.” corrected with his words.



Özboyacı’nın after the warning of the moderator’s error by apologizing and “Turkey” instead of “Türkiye” was seen to use the phrase.
