Internal Medicine Specialist Selahattin Erdem, “Yellow serum Equal may be death. In this sense, we need to be very careful. Because the allergic reaction will lead to direct death, “he said.
Exp. Dr. Selahattin Erdem, recently become the agenda of Sarı Serum made statements about. Dr. Erdem Yellow Serumun, medical community ‘serum physiological, ringer lactate, dextrose liquid’ called, after the vitamin preparations added into the liquids, the yellow color formed as a result of the ‘yellow serum’ said.
Referring to the beliefs about Serum among the people. Erdem, “Among the people, it is thought that it strengthens the body immune system, protects against influenza, and vigorously vigorous. However, yellow serum is a vitamin complex. This is not a situation we use in the disease phase. In this way, the use of a belief is increasing in the houses, sometimes not very authorized, but previously applied by people who have applied treatment.
‘It can cause consequences to the heart stop’
Yellow serum in some of the substances in the allergil transferred. Erdem, “Yellow Serum, vitamin B complex, especially ‘B2 riboflavin’ we call the substance given after the color. B vitamin group is a very allergic group. Anaphelactic reaction is one of the most afraid reactions. Stenosis, sudden muscle weakness, rhythm disorder and heart stop can cause consequences.
In this sense, we do not recommend that these serums be given in unauthorized persons, non -know or urgent intervention. Yellow serums can be given in knowledgeable people, in the necessary patients, in cases where necessary patients can be intervened, and in the disease groups that we think are appropriate. However, a known mistake is this; This certainly does not eliminate the effect of a flu infection. It does not completely strengthen the body’s defense system. It does not protect the body completely against immunity. Vitamins that we can get as food are more valuable to us, “he said.
‘Every yellow serum is not allergic serum’
Referring to what needs to be known about Sarı Serum. Erdem, “Again a known mistake is also this is not every yellow serum, allergic serum. Some vitamin groups paint these serums yellow. Is the vitamin complex depending on antibiotics or any other medicine?
Again in this group, if it is in the appropriate hands, it is sufficient for drugs that can be taken orally instead of serum alone. In fact, we cannot get more oral, that is, it is a treatment method that we apply to quickly get response in the body in people who cannot get more oral, that is not fed, their nutrition is broken, their feeding, vomiting very vomiting and worsening the overall condition. In any way, these serums or such treatments are not applied to everyone. If the person to apply has a equipment to have an appropriate dose, appropriate place and in a way that can intervene in an emergency, it can be applied and in this sense, ‘Is their test or not done before?’ such information is circulating, “he said.
‘Allergic reaction can lead to direct death’
Yellow serum before the application of any allergy test said Dr. Erdem said:
The drugs we add to this type of yellow serum do not have a special allergy test. 1-2, 5 times, you can do, allergy may not develop, but may develop in the 6-7th construction. In this sense, it is necessary to pay attention to these points and be careful. Each medicine should be considered as the possibility of allergy development.
Yellow serum may be equal to death. In this sense, we need to be very careful. Because the allergic reaction to which they will cause can lead to direct death. In this sense, we need to be careful as if we have encountered for the first time in every drugs and yellow serum, as if they are developing directly allergic reactions. Because when applied by many practitioners, some can go to death.
Some of them show allergic reactions in a way that can cause disability in the body we call ‘sugar’. In this sense, we should pay attention to the use of the yellow serum, the user, where it is used, and whether there are conditions for emergency intervention. “