Vodafone: switch to green campaign for responsible and sustainable use of technology

Vodafone switch to green campaign for responsible and sustainable use

(Finance) – On the occasion of the Earth Day, Vodafone launch the new Switch to Green campaign: in renewing its concrete commitment to tackle climate change, Vodafone wants encourage an increasingly responsible and sustainable use of technology. Therefore, the project that invites all people to give new life to old smartphones continues by bringing them to Vodafone Stores for their evaluation and reconditioning.

Furthermore, starting from 22 April and until 5 June, all those who deliver an old device will be able to win a smartphone characterized by high sustainability standards, with an Eco Rating of 80/100 every day. The Eco Rating is an ecological evaluation system to establish the environmental performance of the device over its entire life cycle and to help consumers identify and compare, and therefore choose, the most sustainable devices.

The smartphone that is returned will receive an evaluation directly in the store: it will be possible to receive a discount code to be used for the purchase of a new smartphone if the device delivered is valid for evaluation and meets all the requirements of the Smart Change program – including the no longer in use but still functional, free of constraints and pending installments and no personal data inside. The smartphone that is still functional but has no residual value, can be donated, thus sending its components to the complete reconditioning or of any parts by the inmates of the Bollate Prison, as part of the circular economy project of the social enterprise Fenixs aimed at reintegrating prisoners into the world of work.

To enhance the initiative, two Vodafone stores in Milan – Porta Vittoria – and in Rome – Piazza Re di Roma – they will be dressed entirely in green. The shop windows covered with stabilized green remind us how together we can be even greener, focusing on sustainable initiatives and responsible and virtuous behavior. The decoration of the stores continues inside, with panels that renew the invitation to join the project for the collection and reconditioning of unused devices.

Finally, with a social campaignVodafone offers green pills with tips and tricks for acting responsibly and respecting the environment through a correct use of technology. Among the sustainable choices, the use of recycled plastic SIM cards that eliminate the need to produce 320 tons of virgin plastic annually, with an estimated potential saving of 1,280 tons of CO2 per year, or the use of some features present in the smartphones that can help extend battery life and thus increase device life.

The initiative is also promoted by a TV campaign on air from today, and digital content.
