Fortunately, there is more than expected behind the streaming start

Fortunately there is more than expected behind the streaming start

The Gorge means something like “the gorge” and thus summarizes the most important of the unusual adventure film that streams from today: two top-class snipers are recruited by the US government and Russia to to keep an eye on the west towers west and east of a burn -upwhich could climb from the depth.

That sounds like an action adventure with a sci-fi or horror shares and even if The Gorge offers exactly that at Apple TV+, the film has even more in store.

The horror adventure The Gorge impresses at first glance with an unusual idea and convincing star cast

Director Scott Derrickson has sufficiently proven his hand for supernatural to uncanny substances in films such as Doctor Strange, Sinister and The Black Phone. The tension in The Gorge from the beginning is almost self-evident, even if he adds new genre facets to his oeuvre.

Leading actress Anya Taylor-Joy as Eastern European Sniper shooter merges her action-stored furiosa persona with the quick wit of her Emma. Even her shaft talent from Netflix ‘the women’s gambit can briefly unpack it again to recommend itself as a perfect line -up. Miles gives her counterpart (after three years of acting since the offer and top gun: Maverick) a charming US individual who not only operates the deduction of his weapon, but can also write poems. Together it carries convincing star duo The film also through the absurdly handle.

Of course, the two professional shooters Drasa and Levi do not keep the contact ban on their opposite guard post for long and communicate with binocular messages. And of course it does not remain not to shoot the creatures that rising from the “gate to hell” if the truth over its peculiar post is waiting in depth. But surprisingly, The Gorge frets alongside all supernatural threats and action rope dances elsewhere: as Rom Com on the abyss.

The Gorge works above all as a romantic comedy

That the sparks already fly in the trailer and Apple TV+ the film Published on Valentine’s Dayshould have already been decisive indications. Nevertheless, it comes as a (pleasant) surprise that The Gorge is not an action film with love story, but a love film with action shares.

The love story of Levi and Drasa keeps the wild genre octopus when The Gorge comes on course. Even more: the film leans into its romance with relish. On the one hand as Forbidden Romeo-and-Julia relationship on different sides of the abyss, or the Russia-USA conflict. On the other hand, when The Gorge always takes a surprising amount of time for small gestures-such as the love messages actually on writing boards (only without the Stalker component because both know that they are watching).

The Hardened snipers in their sometimes awkward approach To look at, turns out to be the best romantic comedy feed. The puzzle of the gorge, of course, explains The Gorge and the action and eerie horror figures are not neglected either. But if the film threatens to tear apart its lovers, it is more stirring than any monster secret and every Sigourney Weaver appearance.

Everyone has to decide for themselves whether such a trip to a wide variety of genre – as a couple or alone – is too turned off. What is certain, however, is that the new Apple film tried something new as an unusual adventure and this entails a very high entertainment value. So pull the weapons and target your hearts.
