10 million to Kristinehamns Curling Club – hoping for a new hall

The curling hall with two courses next to the ice hall is from the 60s. The roof is moisture damaged, the hall is leaky, the ventilation is poor and the cooling loops under the ice are worn out.

“Sweden’s worst curling hall”

A member of the Board calls it as “Sweden’s worst curling hall”.

– Yes, it’s probably an epithet you can put, says Robert Johansson.

The club, which today has around 100 members but more visitors, has been discussing a new hall with the municipality for over ten years. Now there is a decision on a new hall – but only as long as you keep the budget of about SEK 47 million. This includes the club’s inheritance fund money of just over SEK 10 million.

The building will be procured

Now you have to take quotes on the building and fall everything into place can the demolition of the old hall start in three months. A new hall can be completed in the autumn-winter 2026, in the same place as today’s hall but with two floors, four courses, changing rooms and cafeteria.

Hear what a new curling hall would mean to the club in Kristinehamn.
