Mona Brorsson is raging after the hatred of Landmark Tandrevold in the World Cup

Last year she shot the Norway’s gold chance in the single mixed relay in the World Cup on the final stretch.
In this year’s World Cup, Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold shot away the medal chance in the mixed relay on the first stretch – and was subjected to net hatred afterwards.
– I think this is horrible behavior. You do not write like this to others, says Mona Brorsson in the SVT studio.

Norway, together with France, was big favorites in the biathlon World Cup’s first race, mixed relay. But after two criminal rounds on the first stretch, the day was destroyed for the Norwegians. It became a fourth place in the end after France, the Czech Republic and Germany.
– I have a bad conscience for the others in the team, but also for those who sit in the hotel and could have performed a much better stage than I today, says Ingrid Landmark tooth revold to VG.

The Norwegians defend Landmark tooth Revold

After his efforts in the World Cup, Tandrevold was subjected to network hatred. On her Instagram, she shows a rough message, which Norwegian TV2 was the first to report on. She was called, among other things, “your disgusting whore”. The big star Johannes Thingnes Bö commented on the hate post:
– It’s just idiotic. It is reprehensible. That’s the disadvantage of social media, so just go in and report, he tells TV2.

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None of the teammates blame the medal loss at Tandrevold.
– It is part of the sport, in biathlon there are small margins and bad luck. Ingrid did not have her best day, but she should not have a bad conscience for that, says Sturla Holm Lowerid to VG.
“Most of all, it’s a shame about her,” Bö tells VG.

It was not the first time that tooth revenue has failed in relay contexts in the World Cup. Last year in Nove Mesto, she shot away the gold in the single mixed relay on the final stretch, when Norway had to settle for bronze after France and Italy. That miss took her very hard and she was inconsolable afterwards.

Read more: Mona Brorsson received an important advice for her TV debut in SVT

One who takes a great distance from the rough hatred that Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold received is the SVT expert Mona Brorsson. In the channel’s World Cup magazine, she says:
– This goes beyond all boundaries. I think this is completely reprehensible behavior. The sport is characterized by respect. No matter how you have performed, whether you have done well or badly, you are met with respect. This does not belong in a sports arena. There is not so much you can do unfortunately. The only thing you can do in this case is to report the account. But I think this is horrible behavior. You do not write like this to others. It’s people.

It is so sad to see and read about this after the World Cup premiere. No athlete, no man, deserves to be treated with these words. It is so disrespectful and reprehensible!

