Winning once at the lottery is already huge. But 14 times, it’s completely new! This mathematician has developed a well thought out ploy to achieve this.
Winning at the lottery is very rare: there is more likely to be hit by lightning or to die in a plane crash than to win the jackpot. There is on average only one chance in 13,983,816 to win the jackpot in the lottery. And whatever the game, in France or elsewhere, the probabilities of becoming ultra -rich in an instant are tiny. However, the Romanian-Australian economist Stefan Mandel achieved the feat of winning the local lottery in 14 times.
During his first two victories in Romania, the gain brought him out of a difficult situation: he only earned 80 euros per month as a mathematician for the Romanian mining consortium. He was able to leave his country to settle in Israel and then in Australia.
He held his luck at the games, in Australia and the United States this time, winning the jackpot 12 times. Today, he settled in Vanuatu, an island country of the South Pacific. How did he come to such a number of successes? Stefan Mandel has developed an algorithm called “Combinatory condensation”. He also said that this mathematical method is accessible to “any high school student,” reports The point.
First, before playing, Stefan Mandel calculated the total number of possible combinations and chose the draw where the jackpot was at least three times higher than the number of possible combinations. This verification was essential to make sure to earn an interesting amount compared to the money invested. Then he had to bring together enough funds to pay a lottery grid per combination. To achieve this, he asked for help from investors. He thus printed millions of tickets with all possible combinations, before delivering tickets to lottery resellers.
With this technique, for example, for a jackpot at 10 million euros with a ticket sold to one euro, it is necessary on average to pay 4 million, which therefore allows to win more than 6 million euros. However, he was forced to donate part to his investors: for one of his own earnings, he kept only 93,000 euros out of 1.2 million euros won. If he has reiterated many times, it was because he still managed to keep enough money for him.
This technique is no longer possible today when it was legal in its time, in the 1990s. It is no longer authorized to print the tickets yourself, you must buy them directly in stores and not in batch. Just like in Australia or the United States today, it is impossible to use such a ploy in France.