Police in schools? What the French think

Police in schools What the French think

Eight out of 10 French people do not hide their concern about the safety of their children, according to a recent survey. However, the idea of ​​putting police officers in schools is not consensus.

Five days after the murder of Louise, an 11 -year -old schoolgirl killed by a 23 -year -old young man when she returned home from the college, the Elabe study firm published a survey on the French and insecurity. According to this study, 79% of French people say they are regularly worried about the safety of their children. In detail, 42% say they are “often” worried and 37% worried “from time to time”. This concern is shared by the French, which they vote on the right as on the left and that they live in rural areas or in town.

If mothers are generally more worried for their offspring than fathers (89%, compared to 70%), three quarters of parents say they are worried about letting their children go to school alone on foot. The survey reports that in general, public opinion plebiscite measures aimed at strengthening the safety of children in the school framework. Thus, 92% of the French interviewed plead for the installation of video surveillance cameras inside as near the various schools. The implementation of “Pedibus”, a pedestrian school pickup, is also widely acclaimed (85%).

The establishment of metal detectors at the entrance to establishments is also one of the measures supported by the French to better combat children’s insecurity in the school framework (83%). But if the presence of police officers at the end of schools and other schools is greatly supported by the French population, the French are more mixed with the presence of police officers inside the establishments. Thus, 50% of French people questioned are favorable, while 50% say they are opposed. The study reveals that voters of the national rally are more favorable (64%) unlike those of the new Popular Front (74% against). Among overall voters and republicans, opinions are shared.
