Wall Street, Nyse announces sucking in Texas

Wall Street Nyse announces sucking in

(Finance) – La Nyse announced that one of his electronic bags, the Nyse Chicagowill be reincorporated in Texas and will be renamed Nyse Texasgiving companies the opportunity to quote their actions in the state. The New York Stock Exchange will therefore have a branch in Texas to satisfy the growing number of companies looking for a seat there.

The president of the Nyse Group, Lynn Martindefined Texas as “market leader in promoting a pro-business atmosphere”. That of the Nyse looks like a move to counter the emergence of a competitor in the American state. Last month, in fact, the TXSE Groupa national stock exchange based in Dallas, announced that it had submitted a registration application at the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Txse Group made it known that he had collected 161 million dollars and to want to start the negotiations at the beginning of 2026.
