Do you have a mortgage? Then you have to do this promptly

Do you have a mortgage Then you have to do

The banks’ gross margin for mortgages with variable interest rates increased during the fourth quarter of 2024. In total, the gross margin for mortgage loans rose 0.81 percentage points, compared with 0.78 percentage points at the end of the third quarter of the same year, it describes Finansinspektionen, FI, for in a Press release.

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What is the gross margin?

The gross margin is the difference that arises between the banks ‘lending interest rates for mortgages with variable interest rates and the cost of loans’ financing.

Source: Finansinspektionen

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Compare the banks’ interest

With the background that the gross margin for mortgages continued to increase, the authority has therefore issued a clear call to the public.

In the press release, they write that they urge consumers to negotiate the mortgage rate with the bank in cases where you are not satisfied.

News24 has talked to the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority’s consumer protection economist, Moa Langemark. She says that all consumers should now act and negotiate their mortgage rate.

– Start by comparing your interest rate with the bank’s average interest rate, not list rate. Also, take the opportunity to compare different banks, you can do on Are there other banks that have lower average interest rates? Contact them to see what they can offer you, she says.

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Moa Langemark, Finansinspektionen’s consumer protection economist. Photo: Linus Sundahl-Djerf/SvD/TT it must be known when negotiating the mortgage

Furthermore, Langemark develops that you should prepare yourself for the conversation with the bank by setting up a few arguments about why you want to negotiate the interest rate.

– If you have a permanent employment, you are probably a lower risk to the bank. What kind of loan -to -value ratio do you have? And when you are offered an interest rate, compare it to the cut and ask until you understand. Another tip is to request a digital amortization basis. It is a document that you will request when you want to change the bank. By requesting such, you signal to your bank that you are on your way away which may motivate the bank to offer you a lower interest rate.

What do you think the consumer must know?

– The banks often present your interest rate offer in relation to their own list of lists. It may sound a lot with a discount on several points, but it does not say anything about what other customers pay. Therefore, always compare your interest rate with the average interest rate, says Langemark, adding concludes:

– Do not stand with the cap in hand, but ask until you understand and think about whether you should change the bank if you are not satisfied.

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