Our smartphone may be a great means of communication, it can also say a lot about the behavior of our loved one.
A couple is often based on confidence. However, it is not uncommon to want to hide some little secrets from the person we love and with whom we share our daily life. Whether it is harmless information or dungeonry that can steal its relationship, secrets can have a big effect on sentimental life.
This is what two Turkish researchers wanted to check and see a few months ago. Their goal? Inform or even alert on the phenomenon of “phubbing”. This term, which comes from a mixture between the words “phone” and “snub” (Editor’s note: “ignore” in English), expresses a much more widespread behavior than you think. This is the habit that some people may have by consulting their phone in order to ignore other people who are physically present with them.
This increasingly widespread phenomenon allows the people concerned to avoid any social interaction with others and to focus only on their smartphone, often deemed more interesting. A habit that can quickly become harmful, especially within a couple.
Turkish psychologists Suat Kılıçarslan and İzzet Parmaksız have thus studied habits of nearly 700 men and women of different ages with an average of about 37 years. The study in question was based on multiple questions sent to couples on their report to the smartphone and communication with their partner. Participants in the operation had to express themselves on their habits relating to exchanges with their spouse as well as the use of their phone when the latter was present in the room with them.
The results are clear: couples who mostly practiced “phubbing” are also those who had the most difficulty encountered during their relationship. The feeling of erasure of the other and the feeling of being ignored by the loved one returns several times in the study. The lack of direct communication would therefore have a significant impact on the well-being of the couple and their ability to flourish. Your spouse may feel less in love with you or attach to your person if you continue to use your smartphone while the latter is close to you physically.
In addition to this observation, the study carried out by the two psychologists also highlights our massive use of the smartphone, even when the situation does not really lend itself to it. Addiction to screens can be a problem that can harm couples, which is why it is better to worry if your partner is used to consulting his smartphone while you are present. The latter may well hide that your relationship is not going as well as you thought.